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It\'s all Greek to me (Makedonians included) ...
Quote:... The Yauna, who are distinguished according to geographical criteria, are by far more difficult to identify. [...] Here recent scholarship has produced divergent attempt at identifications, none of which has been able to clarify the issue satisfactorily. Even though it is not possible to go further into detail at this point, it might be instructive to distinguish two models of interpretation, which have been presented recently. In one case the meaning of Yauna is understood as a homogeous ethnic term and is the equivalent of the Greek world. Therefore Yauna, with its various attributes, would refer to the regions that lie in the west and northwest of Asia Minor. The second interpretation construes the original meaning of Yauna in a broader sense and interprets it as multiethnic. It refers to far-distant peopls in the west, who are to be found both in Asia Minor and in the northern Aegean. In addition to the Greeks this included the Phyrgians, Mysians, Aeolians, Thracians and Paionians.[/list]

So, as I pointed earlier in the thread, it's not even certain that yauna refers to Greeks only (which is probably also why this author writes of 'Ionians' and 'Greeks'), even less certain is that yauna takabara is a special term for Macedonians ...

This discussion is getting a little too detailed for my knowledge of this particular phrase yauna ... but regarding the Aiolians or Aeolians - aren't we on much firmer ground including them within the known Greek groups? One of the four main 'ethnes' surely (alongside Achaians/Dorians/Ionians)? ...

On other matters, set phasers on stun gentlemen, please :wink:

Five pages now! Mac[size=50:4wntl2re]e[/size]Donians ... I'm lovin' it :lol:
[size=75:2kpklzm3]Ghostmojo / Howard Johnston[/size]

[Image: A-TTLGAvatar-1-1.jpg]

[size=75:2kpklzm3]Xerxes - "What did the guy in the pass say?" ... Scout - "Μολὼν λαβέ my Lord - and he meant it!!!"[/size]

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Re: It\'s all Greek to me (Makedonians included) ... - by Ghostmojo - 11-29-2010, 04:09 PM

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