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It\'s all Greek to me (Makedonians included) ...
I guess the fact that Yauna meant Ionian is well known, because the Ionian Greeks would have been the first of the Hellenes that the Persians came into contact with (even allowing for the fact that Asia Minor at the time also had Aiolian and Dorian areas of settlement too). Yauna/Ionia - the two names are obviously similar sounding. The Persian 'yauna' was from the Greek ?????. Therefore to an administrator in Susa perhaps an Ionian was a Greek and vice versa (by extension)? In the same respect Greek Makedonians could have been included in the catch-all phrase? There are also, however, interesting similarities of word structure to yauna in the Hebrew word for the Greek/s yavamin / Y?w?n / Y?w?n?m and the Turkic phrase yunan (which I readily accept may well be derived from the former or perhaps a common root).

It is similar to the way in which all the Hellenes became known to the Romans as ??????? (Graikoi) i.e Graeci from the tribe that originated in Euboia and settled in Italy.
[size=75:2kpklzm3]Ghostmojo / Howard Johnston[/size]

[Image: A-TTLGAvatar-1-1.jpg]

[size=75:2kpklzm3]Xerxes - "What did the guy in the pass say?" ... Scout - "Μολὼν λαβέ my Lord - and he meant it!!!"[/size]

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Re: It\'s all Greek to me (Makedonians included) ... - by Ghostmojo - 12-01-2010, 11:05 AM

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