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In praise of treasure hunting?
To resurrect this topic a bit:
The truth is the vast majority of finds by detectorists are modern coins, random items like keys, wire bits, sunglasses, nuts, bolts, nails and toys. And, of course let's not forget the bane of coil swingers everywhere, the pull tab and bottle cap.
Most of what is found is summed up in one word: crap. For every really nice find are 1000 or more bits of foil and bottle caps. In Europe and the UK there's a couple of thousand years worth of bits of garbage scattered around and mixed in with the interesting stuff, which must drive detectorists there mad with frustration. Then there's also the junk left from numerous smaller wars and two World Wars to contend with as well, some of which can actually still be dangerous (who wants to dig up a live shell or grenade? How about a mustard gas canister?).
I've seen posts where a UK or European mainland dectorist finds a single Roman coin or part of a hammered penny and they are pleased as punch, becasue such items aren't common finds.
R. A. Lundberg

Messages In This Thread
In praise of treasure hunting? - by Epictetus - 05-26-2011, 02:37 PM
Re: In praise of treasure hunting? - by Epictetus - 05-27-2011, 09:35 AM
Re: In praise of treasure hunting? - by Lucius Aurelius Lurco - 06-14-2011, 07:12 PM

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