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A new early roman \"Lippe-Lager\" at Olfen (D) ?!
Wait ..... postulating they "housed" in a "triple shift "(3 x 8 hours = 24 hours :mrgreen: )?! Confusedhock: letting them play football there ,24 hours-a-day(--- why else should they have made it 7 football fields large, >posting 298793),-- those romans ?! :roll:
Seriously ?!
---Ahmmm, -- hold it, during the last few hours I read somewhere that one person claimed humankind had survived 12000 years because the underground was "swisscheesed" with a coherent system of passages -- some folks really do need NO drugs, don't they ?!
Hey, but along the Lippe there must have been even more camps.
Time for another couple of "Jahrhundertsensationen" ( Sensations of the century ) .

Greez :mrgreen:

Siggi K.

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Re: A new early roman \"Lippe-Lager\" at Olfen (D) ?! - by Simplex - 11-03-2011, 03:46 AM

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