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Why can\'t we all just work together! Deva 2012
First of all, this is an excellent thread, and addresses one of the key issues I have with personalities in any era of reenactment. Second, the more I am reading about you Brit and UK groups, the more I love you guys and gals lol. Fundamentally we are on the exact same page and share the same points of view on reenacting. And you aren't afraid to call people out on things. People after my own heart (must have something to do with me being part English).

Guy, and Marc and Henk (and many others...this is a high quality thread!) brought up great points. We need to work together. If some groups equipment standards are lower, they should be encouraged to come out more, not shunned. Why? It's simple. The more exposure to proper, or rather better equipment will set an example for them to try and attain. Acquiring better equipment is a long, long process. Since I started in 2001, I've modified and replaced all of the kit I started out with, and it's still a work in progress.

To shun people based on their gear is rediculous. You cannot speak of educating the public in the same sentence as denigrating other reenactors for not having proper gear, or telling the public misinformation. They simply need educating as well. Why should they be any different?

Unfortunately, garbage/elitist attitudes exist in all time periods. This reminds me of a story of an 1812 event, where two older teenagers attended an event, with horrible gear. They had made it themselves, using what very few resources they had (references and money) and simply wanted to come out and experience reenacting. They were turned away. That is unacceptable. They should have been helped, given spare gear, or shown how to acquire better. Certainly they should have been allowed to attend that day. Now they probably aren't reenacting.

Without doing a survey to see what the public actually retains from events, it's very hard to say what they are looking for. I seriously doubt, on a personal level that they are coming to be "educated". They want the spectacle, they want the entertainment. I feel this is the vast majority of people's expectations of a reenactment event. Having said that, I don't think it's wise to provide misinformation either, or have a low standard of gear if you can improve on it.

To get at the heart of this issue. Piotr, your attitude is very intolerant, and doesn't belong in a hobby oriented environment with a multitude of demographics. You are clearly taking this hobby to an obsessive level (the olive oil and stirgil thing is just creepy). But what is very ironic, is your desire to have more accurate gear, THEN talk about having custom made armour. Are you for real? It would appear that your knowledge of Roman military gear is a bit narrow. There is no plausible way that the rank and file soldier had CUSTOM fitted gear. Your ill-made, ill-fitting equipment is more accurate than you are giving it credit for. Ask Dr. Bishop. And I am 100% positive I could pick out more anachronisms with your kit or impression.

If you want to (in your mind) be more authentic that is fine. But don't be pushing your crusader-like attitudes on anyone else. It's unfair and unwanted. What you do with your own time is your business. But don't think you're going to convert anyone to your line of thinking, especially by being rude and hostile. You are no more important than anyone else, in reality. Except in your own mind. Not an attack, just a fact.

Can I say again that you Brits absolutely rock?
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD

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Re: Why can\'t we all just work together! Deva 2012 - by Magnus - 06-13-2012, 11:35 PM

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