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Roman Ballistae in Modern Popular Culture
Quote:As far as I know, the only evidence points exclusively to their use with mule carts, not oxen.


Like the advent of galloper carriages or light horse artilley the new iron-framed ballista seems to have moved artiliery from the siege trains, often ox powered, up into the forward elements. This is a much better fit with the Roman's offensive style of warfare. To me, the coolest thing about the images on Trajan's column is that they show the weapons being deployed in three distinctly different ways; Static within the fortifications as "mural" or wall artillery, mounted and firing while still in the bed of the cart, and forward deployed beyond the main camp atop wooden cribbing. It would take gunpowder artillery many years to develop a weapons system this versatile.
Okay, good point. I wasn't full aware of the use of mule carts on TC so thank you for bring that to my attention! I think field artillery could also be used from the decks of ships, which would be a further tactical advantage.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Roman Ballistae in Modern Popular Culture - by Robert Matthew - 08-07-2012, 07:31 PM

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