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Help My Son Get on a Prostaff Outdoor Team
Friends Roman’s and Countrymen lend me your ears... My son Matthew Pointer, is in the finals of a Hunting ProStaff position for an outdoor television show. This is his life time dream. You can help him out by going to the link below, "Liking" the "A-Way Hunting Products" facebook’s page and then voting for his video. He is up against others that are already on ProStaffs. Matt did it all... all his own camera work etc. There were thousands involved in the competition and it has been narrowed down to 6. Please help him out and vote for him! Thanks! Patrick

Voting for the "Next A-Way Staff Member" Rules: Please look over all 6 videos and decide which person would best fit A-Way Outdoors. Voting will close on December 27th at no set time. The FB fan pick will constitute 25% of the overall vote with my father, myself and the head of our pro-staff each getting 25% vote as well. Good luck to all! 1) Voters must LIKE A-WAY HUNTING PRODUCTS 2) You may vote for 1 person ONLY 3) Contestants may Share and post this contest anywhere

Messages In This Thread
Help My Son Get on a Prostaff Outdoor Team - by Patrick - 12-20-2012, 09:43 AM

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