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RAT Official Multiplayer Game
Is there still any interest in this?

There's a few specific things that will have to be done to play:

1. Get steam. It's free and you can run pretty much any program through it. The Games on steam you still have to buy though, games you have can be added as "Install non-steam Game."

2. Download Hamachi, this will allow you to play most games without having to forward the ports on your Internet Router. Also free.

3. Obviously make sure you have a copy of the game we're gonna play.

Currently narrowed down to:

Rome Total War/Rome Total War BI (possibly with mods)
Europa Universalis III: Divine Wind with 5.2 Beta Checksum (possibly with mods)
Crusader Kings II (With Sword of Islam and Legacy of Rome Expansions which I will be buying on monday).

EDIT: For Mods you will need an RAR opener such as 7zip or WinRAR, both of which are free (just hit close when it says the 40-day free trial is up.) if we decide to use a mod.

EDIT2: If we get at least 4 players (for sure) then I'll clean up this thread and set up game rules, etc. Currently me and Alexandre are the only players.
  • EU3 with all the good expansions (with Divine wind being the most recent) is about 20 Dollars. I can link you to the free Beta Checksum.
  • Rome Total War v1.5 and Barbarian Invasion 1.6 come together in RTW: Gold on steam for about 20 Dollars.
  • Crusader Kings II, being more expensive, is on sale. So it's best to catch it on sale and buy the Sword of Islam and Legacy of Rome expansions.

Messages In This Thread
RAT Official Multiplayer Game - by Flavivs Aetivs - 11-16-2012, 01:36 AM
RAT Official Multiplayer Game - by Flavivs Aetivs - 11-16-2012, 03:54 AM
RAT Official Multiplayer Game - by Flavivs Aetivs - 11-16-2012, 11:02 PM
RAT Official Multiplayer Game - by Flavivs Aetivs - 11-27-2012, 12:43 AM
RAT Official Multiplayer Game - by Robert Vermaat - 11-27-2012, 09:35 PM
RAT Official Multiplayer Game - by Flavivs Aetivs - 11-27-2012, 10:47 PM
RAT Official Multiplayer Game - by Flavivs Aetivs - 01-05-2013, 08:29 PM

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