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The Dacians: Rome\'s Greatest Enemy?
george post=329665 Wrote:Goths = Getae = Dacians = Not Germanic.
Sorry, but that's incorrect, as has been shown here so many times already. This 'denetification' only rests on the names used by ancient authors, who often used older names for later peoples: The Huns were named 'Scythians', and medieval armies from Western Europe were still styled 'Celts'. Should we take those identifications literally too? Of course not. Goths aren't Getae (let alone Dacians).
Alaric styled himself 'Rex Gothorum', not 'Rex Getae'.
The Goth language is undeniably Germanic and not Dacian.

LOL. No its not incorrect. what is incorrect is claiming that goths = germanic. Why is that incorrect? Let me enlighten you.

All the "goths = germanic" party have in their favour is the so called "Wulfila Bible" and copies from it. From that they claim that Goths = Germanic. LOL. Let me blow that up to pieces.

The "Wulfila Bible" was "discovered" by German monks. And what a surprise, its written in German. that is clear, and I didnt contest that. What I constest is the atribution to "Wulfila".
For me its clear that the German monks who "discovered" it actually wrote it. That is why its written in german, because it was written by german monks of 15 or 16th century.
A pious fraud, not the first and certainly not the last. The german monks of 15th or 16th century made the translation and they attributed it to "Wulfila". And now all the modern ignorant "authorities" claim that goths=germanic, dismissing all the ancient authorities who wrote that Goths= Getae.
"wulfila bible" was supposedly "discovered" by german monks in the 15th century, but is not mentioned for the first time until 1569.

I see that Frostwolf is ignorantly attributing the Annalls to Tacitus, in common with all modern "authorities". LOL. The so called "Annals of Tacitus" were forged by an italian named Poggio Bracciolini in the 15th century. English author John Wilson Ross proved that in his "Tacitus and Bracciolini The Annals Forged in the XVth Century" available for free on

Let me quote John Wilson Ross about the 15th century. "it was an age of imposture; of credulity so immoderate that people were easily imposed upon, believing, as they did, without sufficient evidence, or on slight evidence, or no evidence at all, whatever was foisted upon them; when, too, the love of lucre was such that for money men willingly forewent the reputation that is the accompaniment of the grandest achievements of the intellect" And then Ross gives examples of printing press before Gutenberg. And that would shatter another germanic claim, that Gutenberg invented printing press, but I dont want to go into that.

Ross again about that period 15-16th century, when the "wulfila bible" suddenly appeared for the first time. "The temptation was great to palm off literary forgeries, especially of the chief writers of antiquity, on account of the Popes, in their efforts to revive learning, giving money rewards and indulgences to those who should procure MS. copies of any of the ancient Greek or Roman authors. Manuscripts turned up, as if by magic, in every direction; from libraries of monasteries, obscure as well as famous; from the most out-of-the-way places,— the bottom of exhausted wells, besmeared by snails, as the History of Velleius Paterculus; or from garrets, where they had been contending with cobwebs and dust, as the Poems of Catullus. So long as the work had an appearance of high antiquity, it passed muster as an old classic; and no doubt could be entertained of its genuineness, if, in addition to its ancient look, it was brought in a fragmentary form."
Fragmentary form, and what a surprise, the "Wulfila bible" also appeared on fragmentary form. But no, we shouldnt be allowed to think that the "wulfila bible" is also a forgery. It was supposedly dated by carbon to 6th century, by germans probably, so I dont care at all about that date.

If "wulfila bible" is genuinly a book of 6th century, it means no doubt that goths = germanic, they spoke germanic. But then how could all the ancient scholars fail to see that? How could Isidor of Seville, the most learned scholar of his age, "the last scholar of the ancient world", who had a Vizigotic mother, claim that Vizigots = Dacians ?*.html
Daci autem Gothorum soboles fuerunt, et dictos putant Dacos, quasi Dagos, quia de Gothorum stirpe creati sunt.
In this work, Etymologiarum sive Originum, about the origins of people, Isidor, who was a vizigotic bishop of Seville, claims that his contrymen's ancestors were Dacians (Dacos).

How could Isidor fail to see that his mother spoke German? :-D
Did his germanic :-D mother tell him lies about the origins of his people? :-D :-D
How could Isidor fail to see that Goths all around him spoke germanic? :-D
And Isidor knew about Germans, for he writes about them right after that quote of Dacos.
But hey, whatever suits the "goths=germanic" forgers and liars.

Isidor writing about Dacians/Getae
Gothi a Magog filio Iaphet nominati putantur, de similitudine ultimae syllabae, quos veteres magis Getas quam Gothos vocaverunt; gens fortis et potentissima, corporum mole ardua, armorum genere terribilis
armorum genere terribilis, that were the Getae/Dacians, they had terrible weapons, they were certainly not spearchukers like the Germans.
[Image: falx-dacic-3.jpg]
the Dacian Falx. The germans didnt had anything close to it to damage the Romans.
Trajan engaged the war with hardened soldiers, who despised the Parthians, our enemy, and who didn't care of their arrow blows, after the terrible wounds inflicted by the curved swords of the Dacians."
Fronto, Principia Historiae, II
the Dacians were great metallurgists, while the Germans were not. The Dacians/Getae had the terrible weapons to destroy the romans, the germans did not.

Tacitus writing about Germans
Iron is not plentiful among them, as may be inferred from the nature of their weapons. Only a few make use of swords or long lances. Ordinarily they carry a spear (which they call a framea)

Tacitus(the real Tacitus not the forger Bracciolini) writing about Germans (In his well-known and original book Germania, not in the forged book Annals)
Heat and thirst they cannot withstand at all,

Uh-oh, hispanic peninsula has plenty of heat, plenty.

How could St Jerome claim that Getae, not germanic tribes, were threatening Rome in his time?
'The Getae,(2) ruddy and yellow-haired, carry tent-churches about with their armies: and perhaps their success in fighting against us may be due to the fact that they believe in the same religion.
Gee Jerome, dont you recognize German language when you hear it? Why dont you write the Germans success in fighting against us? :-D Oh, because the Getae were threatening Rome, not a German speaking tribe.

Why did Claudian, contemporary with Jerome and the gothic invasion of Rome, titled his work "De bello getico" and not " de bello germanico" when he wrote about the gothic invasion of Rome?
Claudian was a very respected Roman writer.
In 400 CE, the Senate and emperors erected a bronze statue in the Forum of Trajan in honor of Claudian, an honor Claudian himself mentions in the preface to his De Bello Getico 8)

Quote:Goths aren't Getae (let alone Dacians).

Isidor, Jerome and Claudian just called and said that you should stop spreading false info around. You and the other "goths=germanic" party.

Quote:The Goth language is undeniably Germanic and not Dacian

You should had written The language of the "Wulfila bible" is undeniably Germanic and not Dacian.
Than your statement would have been true. As it is, is just false info.
The language of the "wulfila bible" is not the language of the Goths, it is the language of the german monks who forged the "wulfila bible", who translated the bible into their language and then falsely they attributed it to "wulfila".

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