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Net Bag Questions with Pics
I think you did a nice job. The bag seen in book is to carry grain (in the inner linen sack), and of couse, inspired from the depiction on Trajan's Column.. There is some question though if this is the correct interpetration. I believe these may have been a kind of bladder-canteen that still exists today in the form of the Spanish "bota". The knit bag then makes sense, as piercing the bladder for any kind of carrying strap would cause it to leak. A knit back would provide support without puncturing the bladder. We know from actual finds and literary evidence that fluds were carried in wineskins, and the item on Trajan's column may be a smaller version of one.<br>
A knit bag that would "cushion" a ceramic container is also plausible, and Iulia's offering actually resembles a first century Roman vessel from the military site of Oberaden, (though the original had a carrying handle more typical of traditional jugs). <br>
I have recently came across another interesting water container possibility. It came from a Barbarian grave of the very late Roman/dark age period, and is a carved wooden water bottle very much like the traditional South German-Austrian style still made today (to hold a kind of alcholholic beverage). scanner is still not up, but it looks like the type carried by Austrian troops of the Napoleonic wars. This has no resemblence to the knit bag however, and these normally have their own atached carrying straps. I believe the ancient one had holes drilled for cords.<br>
Dan <p></p><i></i>

Messages In This Thread
Net Bag Questions with Pics - by Anonymous - 03-30-2005, 12:50 AM
Re: Net Bag Questions with Pics - by richard - 04-03-2005, 12:11 PM
Re: Net Bag Questions with Pics - by Daniel S Peterson - 04-03-2005, 02:18 PM

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