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Gladius discussion (was: show your gladius off)
Quote:Jason I think you have mixed people up in your posting, I was answering Bryans "quote" on Philon and what he was referring too, I am the one who mentioned the Falcata :lol: All my references come from old fashioned books I am afraid, just too many to look through so I just used Ospreys Rome Enemies 4 Spanish Armies as I knew it was in there even if it is a bullet point. It is sometimes easier to use modern terms for swords so people know what you are refering too, I have even had a FORUM VIOLATION against me ( on another site ), for posting a question getting replys for the wrong type of sword, So posted pictures of swords I made to show what I was after, and then being accused of trying to sell swords :lol: :lol: :lol: Glad to say it doesnt happen on this one Big Grin Also you are right about putting Iron in the ground to purifie it a few cultures do this, But I dont want to get too of topic :grin:
Regards Brennivs :grin:
DOH! I am the one confused you both posted while I was writting my piece :? :unsure: Sorry

Can you type out the appropriate portion of the Osprey Book which contains the mention of Philon and the falcata? Did the text use Greek phrases or did it actually call the sword bend being bent over the head a kopis, falcata, machaera, or gladius? My curiosity is piqued. Every other context I've read of that paragraph dealing with Philon has it referring to double bladed types of swords, specifically Celtic La Tene types, as a way of contrasting Polybius' statements about the excessive flexibility with lack of springiness of Celtic swords, which resulted in them bending and needing to be pounded straight with rock or foot.

Messages In This Thread
Gladius discussion (was: show your gladius off) - by Bryan - 12-29-2014, 10:39 PM

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