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Athens and Inaros\'s Rebellion
The idea of Inaros-Ramesis might give idea for tragic drama if you do not want to go to absolute historical-accurasy! You know these heroes and their paramoures staff!

For Saitic Egyptian troops - follow the link "explore armies "
and click on Saitic Egyptian Army. Art work not great, but gives a possible impression of Egyptian spearmen.

Mathew Amt's page on hoplite has a link "Bronze age"
You will go to a page with photoes of reconstructed Egyptian linen Armor, shields, maces among other stuff.

Bronze Age Center : ... owforum=10

There Todd Fineman has done super reproduction of Egyptian staff (scale helmets!!)

I mentioned soldiering in the masrhes-bogs not desserts!
Facts: You need 45 days to teach troops close order drill. Motivation is another thing. Good Skirmishers are hard to be created. Most ancient generals hired them from peoples and areas with a reputation in this type of bussiness In your case Nile west-bank Egyptian , Lybians, Greek peltasts, Syrian Hillmen, Medianite Arabs, Nubians, Sudnese, Athiopeans!
Greeks are possibly available only to Inaros, the others on any one who pays!
Bogs and marshes in tropical heat stink because of gasses trapped in the mad. They are infested with leeches who drink everybody's blood equally!
Every body plays hide and seek among the papyroi or other river-plants and jump on each other with daggers. Drowning you opponet in the swamp is not a bad idea! Patience is more important than blade use!
Did I mentioned poisonous river snakes and crocodiles?!!!!
How about shores and infections of germs and mocrobes relishing in humidity. Think old dyentery and other nice deseaces! Wellcome to Memphis swamps the Vietnam of Antiquity!
Some rest on the dessert you say away from the liquid hell!
Well tell that to the scorpions and the cobras and poisonous lizards!
They are not patriotic enough to bite only the Persians!
Egyptian might have adpted to this place but what about foreigners!
Enlist they say......
A few good men wanted to aid the noble Prince Inaros!
Transportation provided and the chance to meet beautiful Egyptian women!
Well with the farm back home wrecked by the Persian invasion might not be a bad idea!
In Greece we say: success boasts of may fathers, failure is an unwanted orfan!

Kind regards

Messages In This Thread
Re: Athens and Inaros\'s Rebellion - by hoplite14gr - 07-12-2005, 02:58 PM
Inaro\'s Rebellion - by Pacal - 07-16-2005, 10:28 PM

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