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Barbara Pferdehirt Books?
I've got 'Die Rolle'.
1) D.B.Saddington published a review in Gnomon 77 (2005)
2) Paper version only.
3) The book is about diploma's and social rise, as the title shows and has six chapters:
I: The grant of juridical privileges and premises
a: Constitutions (=grant of privileges and discharge of which the diploma is the individual proof) for soldiers from Alae and Cohortes
b: Constitutions for the fleets
c: Constitutions for City of Rome troops
d: Constitutions from the years 68 till 72 AD
App.I: Civil privileges for legionary veterans
II. The various juridical statuses for inhabitants of the Roman Empire and its effect in Constitutions
a. Non-Roman citizens
b. The civil status of soldiers before grant of citizenship based on their names
III. The dependants of soldiers in Constitutions
a. dependants of auxiliary soldiers
b. dependants of naval troops
c. unions of soldiers with their slave-girl
IV. The juridical civil consequences (Familienrechtlichen Folgen...sigh) before and after grant of citizenship
a. Juridical stipulations in civil life
b. The soldier and his dependants
c. The recognition of military children
d. The veteran and his family after grant of coniubium
V. The grounds for copies of constitutions of Roman citizens after 212 AD
a. The dependants of Praetorian troops
b. Praetorians and Urbanici
c. Equites Singulares Augusti
VI. The Constitution as instrument of Imperial Romanisation Policy
a. The importance of the Flavian grants of citizenship for the social prestige of veterans
b. The effect of regular grants of citizenship under Trajan and Hadrian
c. The citizenship policies under Antoninus Pius and the causes of the decline of so-called auxiliary diplomas after 165/170 AD
App.II: the discharge certificates (as in the appendix of RMD IV)
Maps & tables with lots of statistics follow
4) No
5) The book is not a publication of diplomas as RMD
6) & 7) Nope
8) What I have read is certainly a useful addition to the overall knowledge on diplomas.

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine

Messages In This Thread
Barbara Pferdehirt Books? - by Spedius - 02-07-2006, 02:07 PM
Re: Barbara Pferdehirt Books? - by Jasper Oorthuys - 02-07-2006, 03:13 PM
Re: Barbara Pferdehirt Books? - by Spedius - 02-07-2006, 03:21 PM
Re: Barbara Pferdehirt Books? - by Spedius - 02-07-2006, 03:52 PM
Re: Barbara Pferdehirt Books? - by Martin Moser - 02-07-2006, 04:02 PM
Re: Barbara Pferdehirt Books? - by Martin Moser - 02-07-2006, 04:04 PM
Re: Barbara Pferdehirt Books? - by Spedius - 02-07-2006, 09:07 PM
Re: Barbara Pferdehirt Books? - by Spedius - 02-16-2006, 12:09 PM
Re: Barbara Pferdehirt Books? - by Spedius - 02-18-2006, 08:31 AM

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