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Suggestions for readings at a wedding reception/campout?
My fiance and I are having our wedding at a location out in the country which will allow us to have a reception/campout/party after the ceremony.

In the spirit of a festival like atmosphere, I was thinking of reading some snippets from ancient literature in between the music. I've been trying to think of some more humorous examples that deal with couples.

I've come up with Lysistrata and the Golden Ass so far. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

(In essence, I guess I'm looking for ancient bawdy tales appropriate for the camp fire.)

Luc. Ambr. Ianuarianus
aka. John L.
John Lucas
Luc. Ambr. Ianuarianus

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Suggestions for readings at a wedding reception/campout? - by Luc. Ambr. Ianuarianus - 09-06-2006, 07:55 PM

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