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Sub-Roman Infantry in Britian 5th-6th Century AD
If the prestige troops were probably the horsemen, its likely that they had infantry.

The germanic settled as foederati in the Vth century acted as infantry. So does the Deisi Gaels in Wales.

Having good armour and good horse breed for war need lot of wealth, and only the kings and their retinues and the heirs of the roman aristocracy was able to afford such equipment, so we can even guess that most of the army was composed of infantry, from levies with simply bows or spear and shield to better warriors with some armor.

Welsh will become very famous for their use of the bow, and this may started at this age.

We also got a reference in Kulwch, welsh text from the XIIIth century but much earlier origin in the oral tradition, of Gwalchmai (Gawain), Arthur's nephew, who was the best of the knights and the best of the footmen.
"O niurt Ambrois ri Frangc ocus Brethan Letha."
"By the strenght of Ambrosius, king of the Franks and the Armorican Bretons."
Lebor Bretnach, Irish manuscript of the Historia Brittonum.
[Image: 955d308995.jpg]
Agraes / Morcant map Conmail / Benjamin Franckaert

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Re: Sub-Roman Infantry in Britian 5th-6th Century AD - by Agraes - 09-09-2006, 08:39 AM

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