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Sub-Roman Infantry in Britian 5th-6th Century AD
Very interesting. So if the emergent leaders/tyrants had strong roots in the Romano-British aristocracy/upper echelons of the military, then perhaps a similar fate might fallen to the Roman legions. Interesting remark about limitanei fighting under imperial standards, and about local militias. At least it gives a possible framework upon which to hanf British theories of Roman army collapse/metamorphoses in Britain.

After the last legions cease to function, my interest in this period vanishes! So its interesting to me from that point of view...
~ Paul Elliott

The Last Legionary
This book details the lives of Late Roman legionaries garrisoned in Britain in 400AD. It covers everything from battle to rations, camp duties to clothing.

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Re: Sub-Roman Infantry in Britian 5th-6th Century AD - by Mithras - 10-14-2006, 06:54 PM

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