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Celts descended from Spanish fishermen, study confirms
Why would it be outrageous to say, based on genetic evidence, that a certain population group might have originated from point X? I find studies like the recent Nat. Geographic about the spread of Phoenicians throughout the western Med based on genetic study quite interesting and eye opening as it shatters points many had taken for granted.
If by such studies one could find out, per example, a close relation between North Iberian populations and the original Britons (before Anglos, Romans, etc..) then that much better.
I believe there is still to much stigma attached to such a modern and useful tool as genetics nowadays and we should really try to diasociate it with the demented rampage of Germany in the 30´and 40´ since it does not invalidate its reality and modern use.
[Image: ebusitanus35sz.jpg]


Messages In This Thread
Re: Celts descended from Spanish fishermen, study confirms - by Ebusitanus - 09-21-2006, 01:05 PM
Who\'s going to win the Human Race - by ambrosius - 10-23-2006, 03:45 AM

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