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Ars Dimicandi about european Reenactment in german news
Quote:I begin with three ethical reflections.
The first: who has verified the authenticity of the article published from Gabinus on the RAT? Has someone asked to the journalist, or better to ArsDimicandi directly, if the concepts express in the article are affirmed by AD really?
There are several germans in this forum also, who are able to buy and take an eye for the articel.
And if you and your group dosnt stand behind these words, it should be easy to take a recall of this into press. I gave Vincenzo already the adress of the "Karfunkel" so you can do it easily.

Quote:Why ArsDimicandi hasn’t received an invitation for answer about the article in matter? The knowledge of this Topic has been casual entirely. Is it this a normal procedure about a group or a person of which speaks?
This is a public forum, some of your members were activ here before (take a look in the part "Events" on "Trier 2006") and so you should be able to take a watch yourself.
Neither me nor the moderator i see in duty to inform you with an official letter, that we are talking about you. If you are interested in charing the right informations above and off you with us, it should also be your interest to use these channels. My view, not the forums Wink

Quote:The second: for which motive AD is criticized for not comparing in the RAT? The contrary one is not valid also? Why - except Geta - nobody of the participants to this Topic compared in the Forum of ArsDimicandi? Besides in our Forum doesn't speak only a language, but we also answer in English and Spanish.
I m not in your forum, cause till it was told in here, i didnt knew you have one. Perhaps you didnt realized it, but your side is mainly on italian and a bit of chaotic organized. I dont have the patience to translate and test everything for me, just to get into a forum in which is mainly italian spoken.

Quote:The third one: Luca Bonacina, don’t worry! You’re our most merciless opponent just when you’re certain that any member of AD law your interventions in the Forums.
Very nice... he hold himself back with his attitude till we asked for, and also for that he get THAT...very gentle.

Quote:A demand derived by the needs of military true experimentation.
And as you perhaps imagine, a big part of the existing groups take such testings, i wont call it experimentation, in their schedule. And also those, who used a metall segmentatae were sucessfull, also in heavy work and so on.

Quote: From Caesar until to Diocletianus, innumerable are the literary and epigraphic testimonies on the single use of the organic caresses, or combined to the Hamatae (these, which we use totally).
I would be glad to get those sources named, so we all can talk about the sources you mean.

Quote:The certainty of the written sources and the absence of those archaeological, puts on job the experimental archaeology, not the reenacting.
In University we are told: not written or iconographics only, the foundings in combination with epigraphic and iconographic sources leads to a proofed and testable reconstruction...

Quote:Their literary existence has verified without doubt,
Sources please...

Quote:Who ignores this matter is far a lot from the truth. Who ignores or ridicules the job to 360° of ArsDimicandi, cannot be interested indeed in the Roman army.
Again, very gentle.

Quote:Naturally ArsDimicandi doesn't work on the caresses exclusively, and the same principle of job is applied to a lot of other matters.
Thats right, i remember several universities and museums which recreated "Roman Costumes" in the beginning of the last century. Today they proceed and use the foundings together with the other sources...

And again its not the question of organic material, thats right said by you, its the use of organic material in segmentatae-type. We know Garara and the absent of metal foundings of musculata, we all now the greek linothorai, so its not the question if organics are used.
It is the question: why didnt you reconstruct Garara e.g. instead of rebuild artists work? And this is a theme itself, discussed in a link Luca posted above.

Till that, i m looking forward to read your recall in german news, and i will report about that in this forum like i did this time Wink
real Name Tobias Gabrys

Flavii <a class="postlink" href="">
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Messages In This Thread
Re: Ars Dimicandi about european Reenactment in german news - by Tib. Gabinius - 10-20-2006, 04:22 PM
Ars Dimicandi - by Graham Sumner - 10-20-2006, 05:27 PM
Re: Ars Dimicandi - by Tib. Gabinius - 10-20-2006, 05:37 PM
leather armour - by Graham Sumner - 10-20-2006, 06:55 PM
Re: leather armour - by Tib. Gabinius - 10-20-2006, 07:39 PM
Re: leather armour - by mcbishop - 10-20-2006, 08:36 PM
leather armour - by Graham Sumner - 10-20-2006, 09:57 PM
Re: leather armour - by Tib. Gabinius - 10-20-2006, 10:56 PM
leather armour - by Graham Sumner - 10-21-2006, 12:31 AM
EXPERIMENTAL ARCHAEOLOGY. - by Graham Sumner - 10-21-2006, 09:58 AM
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Fascia - by Graham Sumner - 10-22-2006, 12:09 PM
so then - by Caius Fabius - 10-24-2006, 09:31 PM
Thank You, Rita - by Restitvtvs - 11-04-2006, 02:36 PM
serious - by Caius Fabius - 11-04-2006, 11:40 PM

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