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diplomatic sea travel.
Hi guys.
i have just joined and so far i think its a fantastic site.

I am currently doing some research on the fall of Saguntum and the events leading up to it, in particular the diplomatic situation between Rome, Carthage and the various Iberian tribes involved.
I have a question regarding the protocol of the traveling Roman envoys.
Rome had sent many envoys to Saguntum and Carthage, along with other parts of Iberia and Gaul, but in what type of vessel would they have traveled in?

Since the envoy group made up of some very important senators, former consuls and future ones, did they travel on war ships like triremes or such?

giving the fact that they were on state business and due to the fact of pirate activity, surely they didn't travel on simple merchant ships? unless they were escorted?

I know its a trivial point but i have searched through various sources and either war fleets or merchant trade are mentioned.

I'd appreciate any feedback.

Messages In This Thread
diplomatic sea travel. - by Trojan_horse - 01-06-2009, 09:32 PM

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