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Feathered Crista for Gallic-H helmet
Hello all!

Before i'm going to fire my question:

Hi, i'm Oscar, from the Netherlands. Kinda developed some curiosity, the intriguing kind, in the Roman ages. I've made the first step by purchasing a Gallic H-type helmet from Deepeeka, mainly for display purposes (maybe reenacting some day). I once hired a complete legionary's armour for a themed party (not the party plastic thingys, the real deal). Also i did A LOT of research on the internet on what to do and to avoid when preparing to become a Roman Legionary.

My question:
I would love to have a crest on my new helmet, one of them feathery things Tongue
No really. I have some good descriptions on how to build my own helmet crest. But it handles horsehair, and i really want to build one with feathers. I also want the feathers to be not too stiff, so the crest looks more fluffy.

Could you provide me with some information about dimensions, materials, what kind of feathers to use or not to use?


p.s.: my english can be a little vague sometimes... different country yknow? Big Grin Oh and i hope i have posted in the right section...



Messages In This Thread
Feathered Crista for Gallic-H helmet - by Oscar - 02-03-2011, 03:00 AM

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