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Winter wear
Unfortunately, the only sources I have are offhand literary ones. Pliny refers to someone writing in the winter in manicae, which seem unlikely to be mittens, but this contrasts with digitabuli used for olive picking, presumably, but by no means certainly, fingered gloves.

I would not be surprised if most people in standard weather relied on long sleeves. One can speculate that mittens are a reasonable interpretation for extreme weather, but I use fingered leather gloves. Smile
Salvianus: Ste Kenwright

A member of Comitatus Late Roman Historical Re-enactment Group

My Re-enactment Journal
~ antiquum obtinens ~
Salve and Wassail,Salvianus,yes,i see your point,what i was thinking of was a possible alternative if gloves were not a desirable item,in other words,something like the Germanic Hand-scio which would probably have found their way into Roman hands(excuse the pun),even in the 1st Century C.E though in smaller numbers than gloves i would think,having said all that,i must admit that i rely on a long"cuffed"tunic to see me through the British Winter(and Summer :lol: ).
Iain Victory is Mine..stewie griffin

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