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Shield boss dating / typology
Always so helpful, Ligus! Perfectly explained, this anwers all my questions! When you refer to the two pila, are you refering to two miniature pila or to the two real pila suposedly found at Telamone?
I can't see the second image you attached (the first one is great!). Where can i read more about the Telamone discoveries?

In the Aemilus Paullus monument... is this a scutum with a spine and butterfly umbo?

[Image: capturadepantalla201204i.png]

Eduardo Vázquez
Hi Eduardo! The second image that I attached is just a drawing of the 2 circular shield-models found in the depot, 17a and 17b (with butterfly umbo) in the first image … that are quite similar to the knight’s shield in the the Aemilus Paullus monument.

tiberius aemilius naso wrote:

When you refer to the two pila, are you referring to two miniature pila or to the two real pila supposedly found at Telamone?

Yes sorry, I was not to much clear….In that case I am referring to the 2 miniature ‘pila’ (13 – 14), even if the right one could be more similar to a spear.

tiberius aemilius naso wrote:

Where can i read more about the Telamone discoveries?

About the “Ripostiglio del Genio Militare” I think that you can find something interesting in:

- Von Vacano O. W. (1985) Gli Etruschi a Talamone. La baia di Talamone dalla preistoria ai giorni nostri. Bologna: Capelli
- Von Vacano O. W. (1988) Der Telamonaccio. Alte und nue Probleme. Biblioteca di “Studi Etruschi”, 17, Firenze
- Sensi L. (1987) Gli scavi di G. Sordini sul poggio di Telamonaccio. Biblioteca di “Studi Etruschi”, 15, Firenze

They are a little ‘old’ but there is all about the discovery … and the objects found.

Very Best!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

ὁπλῖται δὲ ἀγαθοὶ καὶ ἀκροβολισταί (Strabo,IV, 6, 2)
Great again!
So... i'll bet for butterfly umbos with straight wings for the end of III century BC (Telamone shield-model) and first half of the II century BC (Aemilus Paullus monument) (and considering celtic umbos of this type from this period), introducing oblique wings later (II and I century BC - Spanish finds-). Just guessing.
I'll see if i can find those papers. But i have a problem: Italian. It seem easy... but it isn't.
Eduardo Vázquez

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