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Leather squamata from Dura
The picture is from the website of an Italian group called "Arsdimicandi." There site is quite fascinating, in its own way, and can be found here:<br>
There is an interesting page which seems to assert that not all lorica segmentatae were made of iron-- that, indeed, most of them were probably of leather. The page is here:<br>
I used babelfish to translate the page, and because of its roughness I have a hard time following the flow and logic. Can any of our Italian members post a more proper, fluid translation?<br>
When I first saw the "bird" shield shield insignia, I though, "wow, that's strange" -- but it turns out it is based on a shield from the Mainz reliefs. These guys seem to be real reenactors who have spent a lot of time, money and thought on their look, but have adopted an alternate approach than that used by most reenactment groups. They rely less on actual archaeology (in fact, they seem entirely dismissive of some archaeological finds, such as Corbridge) than they do on sculptural and written ancient sources and "common sense" -- i.e. that an iron lorica seg would be too hot and impractical in hot climates, or that a soldier can not do hard, physical labor like that depicted on the Column while wearing one.<br>
I wonder-- is Dr. Raffael D'Amato associated with this group in some capacity? It seems to pretty closely reflect some of his conclusions about the Roman army. Dr. D'Amato, are you (or any other members of Arsdimicandi) out there, and can you solve this mystery?<br>
T. Flavius Crispus<br>
Legio VI VPF<br>
CA, USA<br>
<p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>FlaviusCrispus</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 3/14/05 10:02 pm<br></i>
T. Flavius Crispus / David S. Michaels
Centurio Pilus Prior,
Legio VI VPF

"Oderint dum probent."
I do not really get it...why leather? I believe they say that metal was used in colder climates. If its just a climate thing then I would guess that metal exposed to a winter climate up north would make one suffer more than in, say, Italy.<br>
If its about comfortability...then why would northern legions be happy to be more uncomfortable than these leather wearing Italian troopers?<br>
Did they not find segmentata remains in the middle east area? Quite hot there, no?<br>
It just does not add up that you would accept that a cuirass model like the Segementata would be made of leather and metal both. Not saying there could not have been leather armor but I doubt one would go through all the hassle to copy a metal segmentata in leather rather than making a new type of curiass by itself. <p></p><i></i>
[Image: ebusitanus35sz.jpg]

Here are my totally amature thoughts.<br>
We hear complaints of leather sheilds getting far too heavy in the Rain, but never armor, (Lack of leather armor?)<br>
Extremely hot weather, a simple cloak will cool down your armor, also, Doesnt highly polished armor reflect rather than obsorb the suns heat?.<br>
If leather armor were practical, Wouldn't Every single Barbarian have a suit? Instead we are told only leaders had (metal) armor.<br>
Finally..... Leather survives longer than iron, Look at all the ammazing condition foot wear that has been found. If a leather lorica tore (which would happen alot), it would be unfixable and get dumped. Yet NONE have been discovered. I believe Leather armor is holywood only.<br>
Im really new to this hobby, so please take my thoughts with a grain of salt.<br>
Ave Gord head,<br>
Good observations indeed.<br>
F. <p></p><i></i>
Thanks! its GORDAKofp (im a modder for operation flash-point)<br>
not Gordkopf, which would be Gord-head in german. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>GORDAKofp</A> at: 3/21/05 10:11 pm<br></i>

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