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300 - What did everyone think?
Quote:King’s Leo 300 go-go boys vs the hordes of Mordor
:lol: ROFL
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.
Here is a site that some might find interesting -- a "artistic" protest of the 300's vision of the Persians.

The site includes art work, video documentaries, and links to articles from various sources including Livius.

Politics (ancient and modern) aside, the site is a clearing house for some interesting information and amusing art.

David Reinke
Burbank CA
Nice site indeed! Smile
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.
Very interesting site Big Grin Already some people I've heard have begun spitting back the story of 300 as truth.
Paul Basar - Member of Wildfire Game\'s Project 0 AD
Wildfire Games - Project 0 A.D.
That site is garbage! For the simple reason that it's refuting an issue that isn't there! I for one wouldn't want to perpetuate anyone's whining by giving their site exposure. The only thing that lends any validity to these people is when people like the sheep they are, jump on the complainer's band wagon. If people stopped putting so much stock in such things, we probably wouldn't have as many groups being negatrons over every damn thing that comes out, from movies to food to you-name-it.

It would be like Canadians getting angry about being portrayed as eating nothing but bacon and maple syrup, and living in igloos. Gimme a break, any person with half a brain in their skulls knows better, not to mention we canadians know better. I don't know how many times I've seen US comedies razzing the hell out of their neighbhours to the north, to the point where it's gotten really vulgar. You don't see us denouncing the US because they portray us in a manner we don't like.

In fact, we make our own comedic skits and parodies of the US, and that's as far as it goes! No harm, no foul. I can't stand these people who become "outraged" over a movie...and I hate even more the people over here in the west that listen to them.

Get over it, and get over yourselves.
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
Laudes to you Magnus, you worded it better than I could ever hope too. It's a movie, not a documentary or a piece of state propaganda. Let it go folks...
"There are some who call me... Tim..."

Sic vis pacem, para bellum

Exitus acta probat

Nemo saltat sobrius

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori

Fortes Fortuna Aduvat

"The enemy outnumber us a paltry three to one! Good odds for any Greek!"
If we agree that it's just a movie based on a comic books, then why on earth do we even discuss it here? Confusedhock: After all, if it's no more than a fantasy-kind of movie...

That opens the door on comparing the Rohirrim to Alanic cavalry styles, or the Gondor infantry to 9th century Byzantine heavy infantry.
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
well, i've had a discussion with some people who claimed that Gondor inf. were far better and had much more honour then Romans... :roll:
Jeroen Pelgrom
Rules for Posting

I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.
Quote:That opens the door on comparing the Rohirrim to Alanic cavalry styles, or the Gondor infantry to 9th century Byzantine heavy infantry.

You are No Fun. Tongue

But an interesting topic is how do stage combat people create fantastical, yet realistic combat sequences and battles. They all have bits of history in them and most stage combat people I know read the fight manuals from many different eras and styles.
Sulpicia Lepdinia
Legio XX
Quote:You are No Fun. Tongue

But an interesting topic is how do stage combat people create fantastical, yet realistic combat sequences and battles. They all have bits of history in them and most stage combat people I know read the fight manuals from many different eras and styles.

Sure I am. Big Grin 'But I'm a historian (ducks).

Seriously though (sorry), thsi discussion is limpingon two legs: either there's historical stuff that can be criticised, or it's all fantasy with 'borrowed' historical tidbits. I think the stubbornness with which the producers claim that it's historical opens the door to criticism - they bring it on themselves.

Dare I compare this one to the recent 'King Arthur', which opened with a bombastic statement how this movie represented the 'final truth'?
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Quote:Dare I compare this one to the recent 'King Arthur', which opened with a bombastic statement how this movie represented the 'final truth'?

You mean that was not the truth Confusedhock: Lancelot did not wield swords like a mutant ninja turtle? Confusedhock: Artorius took on the mighty Saxons with just a few Sarmatian Cavalry, and a few woad Confusedhock:
Sulla Felix

AKA Barry Coomber

Quote:I think the stubbornness with which the producers claim that it's historical opens the door to criticism - they bring it on themselves.

I think it's a question of semantics. The producers said that it is "historical", not "history". They never said that they were recreating history but telling a story based on history. Given that, I think they were highly successful.
Sulpicia Lepdinia
Legio XX
Sorry to burst anyone's bubble. :twisted: :twisted:

No I'm not. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Well I can't believe no one is saying the obvious but since when were the Immortals, two giants (one obese and one not so obese), and Xerxes a representation for the entire Persian peoples? :wink:

Does Adolf Hitler mean all Germans are Nazis? No. But nearly every movie that comes out today involving Germany or Germans has a guy with a little square mustache or people involved with him in it. :wink: Heck, the Sci-Fi channel comes up with a new one each week for the Nazis conjuring up the forces of hell themselves to combat a couple of US Soldiers. And I have yet to see anyone post online petitions directed at Sci-Fi to ban these movies. Had these movies been released during say, World War I there would have been some backlash from the German community.

It's all just bad timing, I don't think there would be nearly as much trouble over this now if they had released this at a time when there wasn't so much political strife going on between the US and Iran...but then again maybe they would have it sounds like they are being over-sensitive to me. But then again I'm an evil American of evil European descent who watched and enjoyed a movie which was supposedly stroking (sic) racist instincts I supposedly have. :?

Well sorry about the modern politics guys. :wink: I liked the movie, of course it isn't historically correct but I don't go to movies to be historically correct. I go to movies to be entertained, I watch the history channel for historical correctness. :wink:

Although I will admit that director Zack Snyder's comments about this movie being 90% historically accurate were pretty far off.
"Those trees in whose dim shadow
The ghastly priest doth reign
The priest who slew the slayer,
And shall himself be slain."

--Thomas Babington Macaulay

A little something said by a guy at a BattleTech forum I frequent. Hits it spot on:

Quote:I went to see this as a Frank Miller adaptation of a true story. He was writing things from a Spartan view so over fantasizing the persians kinda fit for me. the mutants and deformities worked cause i saw that as the Spartans would. A Massive army from a distant land and all the rumors of the creapy crap they do over there. Its not like now where we see our opponents on CNN or the BBC in real time and can see they are men like us. Back then they just heard rumors and wives tales and im sure they expected to see mutants and freaks fighting them, just look at the Immortals. It said in the movie something along the lines of Rumors say they cant be killed and file there teeth into points, etc, etc. If i was a Spartan and heard that i would expect something like what i saw in the movie. I can see where Miler was comming from making the persians look how they did. I dont think he meant it as a historical adaptation but to make them look how they appeared to the greeks to try and get the person reading or watching his novel in the same mind frame as the Spartans to get them to connect with them that way. I saw Sin City in a similar light where everything was fantisized to visually represent there inner self.
"There are some who call me... Tim..."

Sic vis pacem, para bellum

Exitus acta probat

Nemo saltat sobrius

Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori

Fortes Fortuna Aduvat

"The enemy outnumber us a paltry three to one! Good odds for any Greek!"

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