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legionary breeches
ave fellow members.

i'm making a facsimile of the breeches wore by the legionnaires in the gaul- brittany campaigns.
i see from the pictures the leg length is just below the knee.
okay but when you set down this length will allow the leg to pull up over the knee requiring the leg to be pushed down over the knee, yet if you make the leg length long enough to prevent this then the length is mid calf ???? also most appear almost skin tight through out the leg areas.
i would think linen, wool or leather could be used for the material?

can someone point me in the right direction before i have to rip this out and start over.
thanks. hoke hinson,aka lucius paternius secundus Big Grin
I moved this to the proper section. hoke, you have to put your real name into your signature, that´s forum rules.
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.

Sent you a PM about the Braccae....
Roman Name: Gaius Marcius Gracilis

AKA: Mark Headlee
thanks to everyone for your sharing the info! Big Grin
i will check about the book and redo the waist line and seat of the braccae.
vale, hoke hinson
Mark, I'm working on Braccae as well. If you have a pattern, I would be most obliged if you could share it Big Grin
Salvete et Valete

Nil volentibus arduum

Robert P. Wimmers Big Grin
Me too please!
[Image: wip2_r1_c1-1-1.jpg] [Image: Comitatuslogo3.jpg]

aka Paul B, moderator
Moderation in all things
Robert and all,

I have a seamstress here in the US who is currently working on a pattern based on the Thorsburg trousers. She should be finished with a first copy in the spring and will be ready to cut wool soon there after ( a must when the fabric is going to cost $35.00 a yard...)

A good amount of the notes I have are from "Aitor" (sp), from Spain. He most graciously shared his photos and notes on the pair he made using fabric from Cezary (Casucus). He even sent me photos of the originals on display in a museum and photos of the pair he made...

You may want to email him directly and ask if he would be willing to send you his notes.
Roman Name: Gaius Marcius Gracilis

AKA: Mark Headlee
I'd also be interested in any pattern information if available. Do you have any contact details you would be willing to share?

Kind regards,

Scott Goring.
Scott Goring
Here is the email contact for the seamstress in California, USA who is drafting a pattern from the Thorsburg trousers. Her name is Mary Ann.

[email protected]

She has a background in historical costuming and research. She also makes Roman clothing for many of the groups in California. Last I heard she was in the process of sewing a pair and was going to "fine tune" the pattern with my pair...

Also, Aitor from Spain graciously gave to me the information he has on the trousers. He would be the best contact I can think of..his knowledge base is outstanding... :!:
Roman Name: Gaius Marcius Gracilis

AKA: Mark Headlee
Thanks Mark! Perhaps we could get Aitor and you to have a go at the "How to" section. Big Grin lol:
Salvete et Valete

Nil volentibus arduum

Robert P. Wimmers Big Grin
I remember having seen the Thorsbjerg trouser-pattern in several publications, so you´re not really stuck here... Big Grin
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.
As soon as the details are worked out I will talk to the seamstress and see if she would be interested in making a Thorsburg "type" trouser paper pattern for sale. I think that would be easier for you fellas overseas and would save you some money....

I would have to check about the rights to commercially produce a pattern from an artifact in a museum overseas. I'm not sure if the museum is a public or private museum and who owns the trousers themselves.

Legio XX here in the US offers a good draft note pattern, but I was thinking of a more detailed true size paper pattern for those who may not be as skilled to draft from notes.

Believe me, from my US Civil War days, drafting a pattern from paper notes is not as easy as it looks. Especially if you are using very expensive wool. Some times a cheap cloth mock up does not fit the same as using wool or heavier cloth...

Any suggestions from the greater Roman reenacting community about such a venture...? It would be better offering that modifying a modern garment or making up a fictional pattern...
Roman Name: Gaius Marcius Gracilis

AKA: Mark Headlee
Here´s a free pattern for everyone:
Hose 1
Hose 2
The original was Diamond-twill and dyed with madder.
And here one of the originals:
[Image: 03_12_StrumpfhGer05JH.jpg]
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.

Other than shattering my life long dream of drafting Roman patterns..(just kidding... :lol: ) this is you have any other patterns?...
Roman Name: Gaius Marcius Gracilis

AKA: Mark Headlee
No, just these two. For more patterns for tunics and such read

M. Pausch, Die römische Tunika. Ein Beitrag zur Peregrinisierung der antiken Kleidung, Augsburg, 2003.

A paenula-pattern is in:
M. Junkelmann, Die Legionen des Augustus, Mainz, 1986.

Infos on the sagum:
K. Schlabow, Textilfunde der Eisenzeit in Norddeutschland , Göttinger Schriften zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte Bd. 15, Neumünster, 1976.
This book is reprinted and available again since summer 2006, right here:
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.

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