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History channel productions
I just saw some samples of last stand of 300 by H channel. My first reaction was to start laughing and then i got angry. Where to start from? The ''300esque'' aesthetic of the filming to the point that some weaponry looks exactly the same or some scenes reflect the ones in the film? The crest of the officer who seems to await favourable wind to fly? The fighting style in battle scenes?

I thought to myself ''what the hell is going on here?''. History channel supposed to be a leading network specialised on educational productions about history, and with a world wide audience. Yet what i see is a rediculous ''two persons'' production that tries really hard to immitate a movie based on a comic??????

And its not the only production of low standards they have about ancient Greece but for me was the drop that filled the cup.

Really as a community of people that care about history. What is your opinion about their productions? Am i the only complainer?
aka Yannis
Molon lave
Full of lies about Kaiadas and more lies about Greeks & Persians alike.Feeble would be an overestimate.
Themistoklis papadopoulos
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... tashmaxon/
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I dont' get that channel anymore...Now I watch the military channel, or national geographic. NatGeo has had a bunch of shows on lately showing the early Roman empire and how it dealt with various religions that cropped up, along with christianity. Some very cool topics. But they showed a roman reenactment group...not sure who they were. But their gear surprisingly was all over the guy would have an Itallic G helmet which is 140 years too late for christ's time, plus a lot of the older deepeeka gear. Actually, one of the gallic g type helms I saw had cross bracing on maybe it was one of the 2nd century groups that didn't have spare helmets.

Anyway, aside from those minor points the recreations where excellent. Not sure what legion got to do it (they had red tunics on...was it one of the california groups?), but they're lucky. Looks like it was a lot of fun.

Back to your point though Molon, I've heard mixed things about the History Channel. In that case, I tend not to put full stock into what they show. Unless a channel gets all positive reviews, I'm always a it skeptical.
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
If i write every lie/mistake/misconception they and other documentary companies produce i 'd have a realy big book
Themistoklis papadopoulos
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... tashmaxon/
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well thats the point. I expect a motion picture to take ''artistic'' licences but an educating program also?? Apart being inacurate they are also cheap! I mean if a channel that deals with many productions about classical greece cannot offer a budget to arm their actors who can? How would it cost them to get 10-15 sets of proper material? Do they take us for fools? The technology is so far advanced that even an independent group can make a very stylish and respectable work.

Maybe the communities that basically are formed of their target groups should deliver a message to those cheepos?
aka Yannis
Molon lave
I did notice that it was something of a 'take' on 300, but also thought it rather good. (hides from the Spartan xiphos of angry Idomeneas)
The Spartans don't look that bad, although I agree they could get better, but I was not taken with Alexander's outfit (and did I spot him standing with the Spartans or was that his ancestor Alexander I)
In episode 4 of the downloads, you get descriptions of the panoply and weaponry and some good Phalanx fighting scenes.
I think overall, the average person who watches this, will enjoy it for the 300 style of filming...BUT what is more important, they will also learn about Thermopylae as a real battle and about the events and people involved, including Themistocles.
However, I do have to say that whatever the truth behind the Spartan's method of toughening their children and the totally different viewpoints of the time, the 'child abuse' scenes will probably not endear people to them..
regardless of the sexy Spartan whip wielder... :oops:
One good thing to come out of this current 'Spartamania' that somebody, somewhere may now decide to begin production of 'Gates of Fire'...!
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon
Honestly i dont trust documentaries anymore even as a form of educating entertaintment.The reenactors should get together and start making some documentaries on how the ancient wolrd really was.I have had enough of baby-hurling spartans and Orc-ninja-samurai-persians with 2handed weapon feat.
Themistoklis papadopoulos
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... tashmaxon/
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(misses Arthes by a hair) Big Grin
Well the thing is that those stuff look like C-movies (yup i invented the term :lol: ) and offer no education at all imo. They rather do damage. Guys common the officer crest looks like stuffed bird :lol: . The fighting? propably they are breakdancers while the wigs are so funny. Its like Monty Pythons but no humour at all. Is this what we should expect?
aka Yannis
Molon lave
Guys these documentaries are Propaganda intentional or not.
You have to own a single brain cell to make this kind of monstrosities.
Themistoklis papadopoulos
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... tashmaxon/
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Quote:(misses Arthes by a hair) Big Grin
Well the thing is that those stuff look like C-movies (yup i invented the term :lol: ) and offer no education at all imo. They rather do damage. Guys common the officer crest looks like stuffed bird :lol: . The fighting? propably they are breakdancers while the wigs are so funny. Its like Monty Pythons but no humour at all. Is this what we should expect?
Hmmmh, didn't I read somewhere that the Spartans were rather good at dancing..... :roll: :roll:
You....I can't watch this now without giggling at the Ephor crests.... :twisted: :lol:
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon
Quote:well thats the point. I expect a motion picture to take ''artistic'' licences but an educating program also??
Who ever said that it was an education program? The History Channel executives themselves say that their primary purpose is entertainment.
Author: Bronze Age Military Equipment, Pen & Sword Books
Their name HISTORY channel says otherwise.Their are misleading people directly.Their historical films sometimes border on Xena the warrior princess
Themistoklis papadopoulos
<a class="postlink" href=""> ... tashmaxon/
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I recently had the chance to review their new 'Dark Ages'series, but from the material that they sent me I couldn't possibly take a positive stance. Cry
They had some 'experts' no=one had heard of, while the comments of more known experts were immediately countered by their own documentary... Very odd. The Late Romans of course all wore seggies and the Vikings wore horned helmets. Cry
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Remember back in the day when people used to say "Don't believe anything you see on TV?". That seems to be replaced today with "don't believe anything you read or see on the internet."

Well guys, TV hasn't gotten any better since the 'net came out. Just because reality tv is the new fad...doesn't make all documentary oriented chanels any better at showing reality past or present. 8)
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
Idomeneas:3783tacb Wrote:(misses Arthes by a hair) Big Grin
Well the thing is that those stuff look like C-movies (yup i invented the term :lol: ) and offer no education at all imo. They rather do damage. Guys common the officer crest looks like stuffed bird :lol: . The fighting? propably they are breakdancers while the wigs are so funny. Its like Monty Pythons but no humour at all. Is this what we should expect?
Hmmmh, didn't I read somewhere that the Spartans were rather good at dancing..... :roll: :roll:
You....I can't watch this now without giggling at the Ephor crests.... :twisted: :lol:

if while their ''fight'' their company throwing flowers at them they could be easily in ''bouzoukia'' :lol: :lol: :lol:
aka Yannis
Molon lave

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