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The defence of the standardbearer
Here is something that bothers me since I saw the, I must say rather bad, movie 'Gladiator'.<br>
In the beginning at the battle you see a standard bearer holding the line for the legionaries. he stands there helpless in the middle of the fighting and no barbarian seems to want to bring this easy and strategically important target down. Of course we all know that all barbarians have long blond hair and are really stupid.<br>
This seems to be not right however, so the question is: How was the defense of the standard bearers organized?<br>
Jurgen/Quintilianus <p></p><i></i>
hmm, by knowledge the standardbearer was equiped with a gladius and a round shield. The standardbearer would stand in the front ranks (second row?) and would fight alongside the others. <p>Volo anaticulam cumminosam meam!</p><i></i>
Jeroen Pelgrom
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I would rather have fire storms of atmospheres than this cruel descent from a thousand years of dreams.
In Napoleon's army --a much, much later empire-- the eagle bearer, ("officier porte-aigle") was flanked by two seasoned soldiers --sargents, if I recall-- especially assigned to his protection.<br>
I suspect that the same was true in the roman army and that the men who stood besides the aquilifier, as well as those close to the other standard bearers were seasoned veterans, maybe on double pay, or pay and a half. But honestly there's no proof of that. It's just common sense. <p></p><i></i>
Cowan in his new Imperial Legionary book assigns three lanciarii to guard the aquilifer. <p></p><i></i>

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