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British Museum Hadrian Exhibition in July 2008
Looks like a happy New Year at the BM! ... flict.aspx

24 July – 26 October 2008
Reading Room

This special exhibition will explore the life, love and legacy of Rome's most enigmatic emperor – Hadrian (reigned AD 117–138).

Ruling an empire that comprised much of Europe, northern Africa and western Asia, Hadrian was a capable and, at times, ruthless military leader. He realigned borders and quashed revolt, stabilising a territory critically overstretched by his predecessors.

Beyond military campaigns, Hadrian had a great passion for architecture and Greek culture. His extensive building included the Pantheon in Rome, his villa in Tivoli and the city of Antinoupolis, which he founded to immortalise his male lover Antinous.

This exhibition will provide fresh insight into the sharp contradictions of Hadrian's character and challenges faced during his reign.

Objects from 35 museums worldwide and recent excavations will be shown together for the first time to reassess his legacy, which remains strikingly relevant nearly 2,000 years later.

Admission charge

Tickets on sale from 6 February 2008

UK Partnership Tour
In lead up to Hadrian: Empire and Conflict, the Museum is sending one of its star objects, a rare bronze head of Hadrian, to two sites along Hadrian’s Wall from 8 February until 8 June 2008

Through its Partnership UK programme, the British Museum will send on loan one of the star pieces of the Hadrian: Empire and Conflict - a bronze head of the Emperor Hadrian.

The head was found in the River Thames in 1834 and comes from a statue, one and a quarter life size, which may have been erected in a public space in London in AD122 to commemorate Hadrian's visit to Britain.

It is the first time the original head will have been seen outside London. This great work of art will be shown at Tullie House, Carlisle at the western end of Hadrian's Wall, then at Segedunum Roman Fort and Museum in Wallsend, in the heart of Tyneside.

Tullie House Museum and Art Gallery, Carlisle
8 February – 13 April 2008

Segedunum Roman Fort, Baths & Museum, Wallsend
16 April – 8 June 2008
[Image: wip2_r1_c1-1-1.jpg] [Image: Comitatuslogo3.jpg]

aka Paul B, moderator
Moderation in all things
If they have parts or all of the inscription relating to his speech to III Augusta, I'm going!

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Ahh, a good reason to go to London........
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
And from today's Times...

Two thousand years after he built a wall across Britain to keep out the barbarians, Hadrian is returning to this part of his empire. More than 200 treasures relating to the Roman Emperor will go on display in a block-buster exhibition this summer, the British Museum announced yesterday.

Spectacular artefacts that have only just been found will be among loans from 31 countries - a reflection of the global scale of Hadrian’s empire. It extended from Scotland to the Sahara, and from the Nile to the Danube.

Negotiations are now under way to bring to London a colossal marble statue of Hadrian that was found only a few months ago at Sagalassos, Turkey.

Archaeologists were excavating the site of a huge Roman bath complex, whose construction began under Hadrian, when they found the lower part of a leg and a foot with an exquisitely decorated sandal. The foot alone is about 0.8 metres (2.6ft) long. The complete statue, topped by an imposing head, was originally nearly five metres high. Traces of red paint have survived on both the hair and sandal.

The exhibition comes after the unprecedented success of the British Museum’s show on another great world leader, The First Emperor: China’s Terracotta Army, which has sold 600,000 tickets. The demand is such that opening hours have been extended to midnight four nights a week.

Hadrian: Empire and Conflict is likely to prove just as popular, particularly as Hadrian is part of the history of so many countries. The lenders include Italy, Georgia and Israel – as well as Newcastle upon Tyne.

This will be the first big show dedicated solely to the life and legacy of a military man who ruled the Roman Empire at its height between AD117138, combining ruthless suppression of dissent with cultural tolerance. The British Museum’s historic Round Reading Room is a particularly appropriate setting for this exhibition as its dome has been compared to that of Pantheon in Rome, one of Hadrian’s architectural masterpieces.

The exhibits will include a sculpture of Hadrian’s wife, created with a beauty that, according to Thorsten Opper of the British Museum, “would have had Michelangelo in raptures, if he had seen itâ€
[Image: wip2_r1_c1-1-1.jpg] [Image: Comitatuslogo3.jpg]

aka Paul B, moderator
Moderation in all things
Seems more reasons to visit london and the BM again.
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
I haven't been, but I may swing down there next month when I drop my kit off, where ever that will be....!!

Never been to the museum....
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel

The exhibition wont be on till later in the year, but you will love the BM. Dont miss the Roman fins from Qasr Ibrim exhibited in Meroitic Sudan next to Egypt- fletched Roman arrows, caligae etc

I've asked the BM if any Roman reenactment events are planned- can't see anyone planning to attend. But they have had various groups in the past and it would be a blast to do something there linked to a Hadrianic exhibition!



PS Did you get the Rome info from Ary?
[Image: wip2_r1_c1-1-1.jpg] [Image: Comitatuslogo3.jpg]

aka Paul B, moderator
Moderation in all things
Hold your horse Caballo! Looks like we'll be working at the BM as part of this exhibition with the CRS!!! :wink: :wink:
Excellent!!! Big Grin D D
[Image: wip2_r1_c1-1-1.jpg] [Image: Comitatuslogo3.jpg]

aka Paul B, moderator
Moderation in all things
I saw the advertisment when I visisted the "First Emperor" exhibition. Liz and I am deifniteley going, we also thought of combining this with a three or four day´s trip along Hadrian´s Wall.
(And a brief detour to Warhammer World in Nottingham, although Liz doesn´t know of that yet Wink )
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.
Who are the CRS?
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
Colchester Roman Society Big Grin

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Ahhh, thanks Jasper. Wish I was going to be home for half of what we have planned this year.
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
Quote:Wish I was going to be home for half of what we have planned this year.

We do too Byron, but this event is not the RMRS. Caballo and I are also members of the CRS.
Ahhhhh ok, that clears that one up then! Lucky you!
Gives you a wider choice to attend.
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel

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