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newly discovered Hellenistic (?) mail
This is just a conjecture, or perhaps wishful thinking, but 14, taken in totality, looks a bit like fragments of what appears to be an early segmentata. (See M.C. Bishop, Lorica Segmentata Vol. 1, 2002.) There is a lack of resolution in the photos, but both the upper and lower right side plates seem to have a ring on them. This is reminiscent of an undated fragmentary segmentata with iron fittings found at Pergamon. The shape of the two center right side plates are also similar to the Pergamon shoulder lame in shape.

The use of rings for tie points is noted on sculptural representations of "Linotothorax" type armors of the 4th through the end of the 1st century, and it seems not impossible to postulate this type of closure on a segmentata type armor. Also Late Hellenistic articulated arm guards are known, so the construction technique is not entirely an alien concept.

With a firmer date, and some better resolution photos, it is perhaps worth a a more detailed examination.

R. Izard

EDIT: After standing on my chair and looking at the screen from several angles, I noticed that the upper right fragment does seem to have a ring on the left side, but also seems to have three more smaller ones to the right, which are in a straight line parallel to the upper edge. This upper edge seems to have a hinge, and the three smaller rings are rivets for this. This doesn't not preclude speculation that this may be a very early segmentata, But just makes things more complicated. If the fragment is rotated 90 degrees, this could also be a side hinge for a Vergina like iron translation of the Linothorax.
That sounds interesting Ralph!

Did someone not suggest a combo mail/segment type armour once too?
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
Fig 68 in Bienkowski. I don't have the text handy, so I can't verify that he's supposed to be Getic. Apparent noble with short sword on left hip (scabbard looks comparable to some types used with akinakes and xiphos more than anything else), pileus, some sort of banded armor, cloak, a distorted shoe/boot of some sort, and a thick beard. I took a note "probably Getic" but I'm not sure if that was from Bienkowski, or if B. just described the figure as barbarian. Its worth noting that he doesn't seem to wear pants.
Bienkowski - What book is it that ? Does he have any other Getic arms or armour?
Christopher Webber

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[Image: Folp126_small.jpg]
Les Celtes dans les Arts Mineurs Greco-Romains

Thracians and Getai and other barbarian types are included only briefly, and only a few items are presented.
Quote:Anybody who can identify these (don't know much about this but it looks Roman to me), please let me know!
If that mail is Roman then it is the first one ever have the links flattened to this degree and the first ever to have links that don't overlap left over right. Based on that single photo the mail resembles medieval mail more closely than Roman/Hellenistic.
Author: Bronze Age Military Equipment, Pen & Sword Books

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