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Marathon 2011
Quote:Lets have numbers guys.
Our group from Poland would like to take a part in the reconstrustion of the battle of Marathon. Right now I can be sure of 4 hoplites and 2 persians. The rest of us is collecting theire equipment.
Good Teodor!
Today i spoke again with the municipality of Marathon,with the mayor's secretary to be specific. They have some problems supporting hte event oficially which are: They have planned their events for September 2010 (yes,that's 2499 years after the battle!). In November they have elections and they're reluctant to plan events for September 2011. And the new program of the government called "Kallikrates" is merging many municipalities in all the country together. Marathon will keep its municipality and name because of its historical significance,but it will be merged with another 3 municipalites in Attica. This will cause a mess probably,and they don't know what to expect.
On the other hand,they didn't tell me that they simply aren't interested, but that i had better contact them after the elections at 7/11. I also haven't spoken with the mayor,but i know he has read and thought about an extensive letter that i sent him.
So this means that before we get the support that i'm hoping from Marathon,we have to contunue preparing for doing it all on our own, and i'm sure the more our numbers grow,the more chances we have to get support.
Giannis K. Hoplite
a.k.a.:Giannis Kadoglou
[Image: -side-1.gif]
Quote:In November they have elections and they're reluctant to plan events for September 2011. And the new program of the government called "Kallikrates" is merging many municipalities in all the country together. Marathon will keep its municipality and name because of its historical significance,but it will be merged with another 3 municipalites in Attica. This will cause a mess probably,and they don't know what to expect.
IF you could pay for it by yourselves, would they be lenient enough to give their blessings? I mean, if you would do a (small) event yourselves, maybe they would see what it was all about and perhaps support it for next year?
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
I sadly would not be able to attend, but I would be willing to make a small contribution, perhaps there are others who would be willing to help, I am sure many of us would be willing to email a form of a petition perhaps? (nicely written of course) Has anyone thought to put together a 'Marathon Fund' or a concerted group petition etc.?

Just thought I would offer to help. Big Grin

Mark H.
Mark Hayes

"The men who once dwelled beneath the crags of Mt Helicon, the broad land of Thespiae now boasts of their courage"

"So now I meet my doom. Let me at least sell my life dearly and have a not inglorius end, after some feat of arms that shall come to the ears of generations still unborn"
Hektor, the Iliad
So what date for the battle will it be? I need it as soon as possible. I have to organize a promotion of this project to get a support of university. Than I will have a better chances to get some sponsors for a group from Poland. More money, more hoplites and Persians Smile
Anyone can answer my question?
Teodor, we still can't get support from the Greek government,and this has prevented an official date. If re-enactors wish to come to Marathon anyway then the exact date is to be decided among the different groups who might attend.
Giannis K. Hoplite
a.k.a.:Giannis Kadoglou
[Image: -side-1.gif]
I understand that. I read that many groups would like to come to Marathon in 2011, so maby we would decide about date Smile
At this stage should we expect any support either from the greek government or any greek local authorities, or should we just make sure nobody will prevent us to organise and attend ?
I am afraid the up to date spartan mentality might make the Greeks arrive after the battle.
We will not be able to show them what a dead Persian looks like then...

Should we ask people to speak in our favour or is that a risk of too many fingers in the pie ?
Here is how hings are in my opinion. We shouldn't expect any help from the authorities. I have been trying for long time and achieved nothing. Now,it is prossible that we get some help by the municipality,but this is not certain at all,so we can't base our plans in that. Now i don't know how an unofficial event could be organised without being illegal or dangerous,i don't know. I want to believe that the authorities would at least give us permition to be there even if they don't contribute to the event.
Giannis K. Hoplite
a.k.a.:Giannis Kadoglou
[Image: -side-1.gif]
OK - to move forward we need to establish a venue. Without that we have nothing to build upon.

Are there any provisional locations/contacts with landowners etc or are we still in the ether on this? A private event on private land should not create problems, a public event on any land then requires much more in terms of insurance, authorisations etc.

Given the nature of this thread, would I be correct in thinking that we have no provisional venue as yet?

This being the case, it would be extremely difficult for an overseas/international to arrange or negotiate this so is there anyone on this thread 'on the ground', so to speak, with the capacity to scope the area and make some provisional enquiries to get an idea of possibilities and practicalities?

<a class="postlink" href="">
No,we have nothing as of yet,and i agree completely with you.
Although i live in Greece,it's not easy for me to be going in Marathon often,even if i have been in contact with the authorities many times. I believe that there are members of RAT that live in Athens,and Marathon to a sence is a part of Athens...
Giannis K. Hoplite
a.k.a.:Giannis Kadoglou
[Image: -side-1.gif]
I thought as much - might I suggest that we need a volunteer who has the ability to scope out the ground locally and a) see if there is anywhere suitable to create a camp; b) provides space to undertaks 'activities' and c) establish who owns it?

IF something exists which seems reasonable then the next step would be to establish if we could get access and what the conditions for access would be.

At this stage and given the prevailing conditions and barriers encountered in moving it forward, a public event might be unrealistic but if, perhaps, we rethought this a little and work around:

A private event
Aimed at ancient greek re-enactors and history/academic enthusiasts of the period
Over 3 days
Based on camping at the venue
With the intention of a 'living history' camp and a 'plastic (ordinary) camp.
Designed around 'show and tell' from the re-enactors
Accompanied by a couple of organised activities (which can include parading and battle 'display')
And an organised original battlefield tour/walk for attendees

This might be more realistic - but this rests on gaining access to a suitable piece of land and, given the 'event', if it were not on the plain of Marathon itself it would probably not be as popular. Particularly for people who are travelling a long way to atteng.

Going back to my first point - to move this forward we need an on the ground person, native speaker, to do the legwork and scope out feasibility of venue and associated costs etc (or someone with the 'gift of the gab' - UK term for being able to talk people into anything - that can encourage someone to let us use a 'field' out of the goodness of their heart and for the cudos of being a part of a significant commemoration of their cultural past).

So - is there anyone out there who might be able to do this?

<a class="postlink" href="">

Please see this

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The Mayors of Athens and Marathon will be there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :!:

If Australian brothers in arms can help It is a good chance Idea :!: :!:

Something will happen here and I think I can push from my side too

I will tell you more if I am successful
The fact that I do not post regularly doesn't mean that I do not strive :twisted:

Kind regarda
I wish I could but thats a bit far. It will also be problematic to more the Aspises on airplanes. My shield cost $200 US dollars just to ship it six hundred miles.

Edward Lindey

A horse is a thing of beauty... none will tire of looking at him as long as he displays himself in his splendor.         Xenophon


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