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Newest Catapulta now complete!
Salve, brothers. I am proud to pesent Legio III's newest catapulta, which we have named "Catapulta Quakervs." This machine, show here being pulled back for firing, has a number of exciting design features.

1. It was assembled from simple pine rope stanchions, such as you use as barriers to keep the general public out of your camp.
2. Not one nail or, in fact, any jointry at all was used in constructing this advanced machine.
3. It took a total of 15 seconds from start of project to full war status.
4. Ammo is simply tent stakes, cheap and easy to acquire.
5. No winch is necessary, but you need at least 3 stout legionaries and perhaps 1 child to pull it back to firing mode.
6. No bow arms are necessary, although they may help with performance as we improve the machine through diligent testing.
7. If necessary, you can break it up into firewood, if the night is too chilly.

Featured in the image, left to right, is Titus Vulpius Dominicus, Tesserarius, P. Clodius Secundus, and Bellator Sempronius Grieco, Signifer. I, Titus Flavius Germanicus captured this image. Alas, P Clodius' son is almost invisible, but you can make out one foot.
Dane Donato
Legio III Cyrenaica
Muahahahaha 8)
Andy Volpe
"Build a time machine, it would make this [hobby] a lot easier."
Legion III Cyrenaica ~ New England U.S.
Higgins Armory Museum 1931-2013 (worked there 2001-2013)
(Collection moved to Worcester Art Museum)
Watch out for the ricochet, Dane -- there's no hole in your non-torsion-frame! Big Grin
posted by Duncan B Campbell
Sssshh!! Secret Technology at Work!!

Andy Volpe
"Build a time machine, it would make this [hobby] a lot easier."
Legion III Cyrenaica ~ New England U.S.
Higgins Armory Museum 1931-2013 (worked there 2001-2013)
(Collection moved to Worcester Art Museum)
Quote:Watch out for the ricochet, Dane -- there's no hole in your non-torsion-frame! Big Grin
Very observant Duncan! Thanks for pointing that out. I was wondering why we were getting negative numbers on our range testing. :wink: Following your suggestion I went back to the drawing board and added an aperture. Then I realized that I'd forgotten to add a bronze plate with a dedication to the Emperor (or rather President in the case of us Bloody Yanks). Of course that made the whole thing asymmetrical so I fixed it by adding another plate with my dog Augustus's (Gus) name on the bottom. Then I figured I might as well change it from a catapult into a carroballista by adding some wheels and handles. The whole tug-of war winch system didn't really work as well as we had planned. I guess that's why they call it experimental archeology. When in doubt go back to the old school, so I've drawn up a Greek turnstile replacement. As for that "secret" operating design, I'll give you a hint.... it's a euthyone in-swinger (think very small arms). :o
P. Clodius Secundus (Randi Richert), Legio III Cyrenaica
"Caesar\'s Conquerors"
Where can we get a full set of plans?! Big Grin
posted by Duncan B Campbell
Quote:I was wondering why we were getting negative numbers on our range testing.
:lol: :lol:
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
Quote:Where can we get a full set of plans?! Big Grin

Now, Duncan, we don't offer complete plans (liability is a big reason), and it is far better if you do the research yourself. I can give you a copy of the ancient texts we used, including the coffee rings and so on, if that helps. Interestingly, I discovered the papyrus scrolls being used to wrap some herring by a wizened old fishmonger in Alexandria, Egypt. It took a team of experts weeks just to remove the stench. A little of the text is missing (pages 9 - 33 out of 34 pages) as Randi points out, so we have to fill in the numerious gaps, and I think we did a capital job.
Dane Donato
Legio III Cyrenaica
Quote:... and I think we did a capital job.
Agreed. Although Rudolf Schneider has suggested that your original manuscript was simply a list of unrelated items beginning with W -- wheels, wheelbarrow-handles, widgets (assorted), wobbly stanchion, wood (lots of) ... :wink:
posted by Duncan B Campbell
Quote:I am proud to pesent Legio III's newest catapulta, which we have named "Catapulta Quakervs."

Thats a mighty weapon fratres. Just take care you do not destroy the world with it :lol: ;-) )
[size=85:2j3qgc52]- Carsten -[/size]
Well, I suppose Schnieder could be correct, if that is wope they are using...but it looks more like stwing to me!
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel
AuxArcher:9bub5ibm Wrote:... and I think we did a capital job.
Agreed. Although Rudolf Schneider has suggested that your original manuscript was simply a list of unrelated items beginning with W -- wheels, wheelbarrow-handles, widgets (assorted), wobbly stanchion, wood (lots of) ... :wink:
That's why we added the dedication to George Dubya :wink: Actually the key to deciphering the text was reciting it backwards while listening to the White Album.
P. Clodius Secundus (Randi Richert), Legio III Cyrenaica
"Caesar\'s Conquerors"
It's too violent! Too destructive! It must be banned! :lol: Stop this Arms race NOW!!!
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Gaius, it is indeed rope, but very thin rope. I call it strope. Tiberius, there is always that danger. Science and technology sometimes can take control of matters, and the world ends.

Gents, I must confess that Randi and I had some arguments over the new developments. I insisted that the barrow-lista configuration was just plain silly, what historians call "Dorky Medieval", but it is growing on me. As for the winch arms, I wanted them much longer, perhaps 15 meters long, but then they would not clear the ground during winching. As for the battle plate, I am happy with it, to honor our great W, a true war emporer...err....president.
Dane Donato
Legio III Cyrenaica
Valerius, I never took you for a pacifist. I am shocked, shocked. You should have seen the visitors to the timeline running with panic in their eyes. It was gratifying, particularly the small children who screamed in terror.
Dane Donato
Legio III Cyrenaica

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