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Roman battlefield found deep inside Germany
Clearly 600 finds are not quite the same as proof? :? roll:
Visne partem mei capere? Comminus agamus! * Me semper rogo, Quid faceret Iulius Caesar? * Confidence is a good thing! Overconfidence is too much of a good thing.
[b]Legio XIIII GMV. (Q. Magivs)RMRS Remember Atuatuca! Vengence will be ours!
Titus Flavius Germanus
Batavian Coh I
Byron Angel

Archaeologists discover Germanic Weapons (to be presented when preserved)

- 200 new finds during the last month (making it a total of 800)
- First "real" digs are going to start in March in cooperation with FU Berlin
- Big(gus) Dig(gus) sheduled for the summer

Press releases (Source: Petra Lönne on April 14th) have it that there have been further finds and findings on the excavation site since the onset of further excavations on March 23rd. In addition to futher finds, explorationary digs have shown site to be larger than expected. (Nearly 2 kms long "several hundred meter" wide).
Most of these newsarticles here have nearly the same "wording", the last two URLs giving some more information by mentioning that the new finds will be on exhibition at a press conference on Friday,17th together with a presentation of a movie on the excavations.

I'll try and further keep an eye on this.

Siggi K.
Thanks for keeping us updated, Siggi. I'm sure there's much more to come!
posted by Duncan B Campbell
Thanks, too. :wink:

PS: I´ve forgotten a lot of German since I was living in Freiburg :evil: :oops:
-This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again how
sheep´s bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.
[Image: escudocopia.jpg]Iagoba Ferreira Benito, member of Cohors Prima Gallica
and current Medieval Martial Arts teacher of Comilitium Sacrae Ensis, fencing club.
Astonishing how well preserved some of those spearheads and pugio finds are! The pugio almost looks like one you'd buy today from any one of several suppliers. The enamel dots are missing, but other than that--pristine!
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Hello, the meantime I found the official invitation for todays press-conference.
Not much more, textwise, but more pictures and a map -- oh yes ----and severe "name-dropping" :wink:
(In German only: Sad ? roll: / Cry / Confusedhock: / Smile wink: )


Siggi K.
Oh the conference is in 15 Minutes.
So maybe in some hours, we get some more Info…
[size=85:3udt43y9](I`m think offer, if I can make the 300km to the northeast in 15 Minutes)[/size]
...maybe some other board-members like Marian may be there, too.
Would be a nice feat to get firsthand information here.
(Not like me here, just watching the press :wink: )



All that sparks well, ends well ?!
Siggi K.
Sorry, folks
I seemed to have overlooked this one here:
Same wording as the Link before but with the intention of inviting people to todays
"Informationary Event" at : Auetalhalle, Am Edelhof 5; D-37589 Kalefeld-Willershausen ,
starting at 19:00 CEST. So Sasha (and others) may have to opportunity of getting there before it's "too late".
Among other things they will be presenting the book "Denkmalpflege In Niedersachsen" Heft 01/09 there.
No trace of a published press review on their press review as yet. :roll:


Siggi K.
Bring your cameras, please, those lucky ones who can go! :wink:
-This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again how
sheep´s bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.
[Image: escudocopia.jpg]Iagoba Ferreira Benito, member of Cohors Prima Gallica
and current Medieval Martial Arts teacher of Comilitium Sacrae Ensis, fencing club.
Ok here the first new article: ... 61232.html

Nothing new except the Battlefield is datet to 230 A.D. …?
.....and now they're comin' "thick 'n fast" !

The quintessence of these partly contradictionary features (as far as I can make sense out of it :roll: ):
1.Coinage so found far during the last few weeks: Denars all in all 6 found: 1 (?) from Caracalla (211-217),2 from Elagabal (218-222),2 from Severus Alexander (223-235)
Coinage Expert Berger (Frankfurt) dates the denars from Severus Alexander as manufactured between 222 and 226 and the battle between 230 and 235. (Ed.: ?!)
2. Dr. Petra Lönne also presented an Arrowtip (3rd cent ?), also stating that the battlefield (as already said) spans 2000 x 500 Metres approximately, but may be even larger (longer than 2kms ?).
3. According to Prof. Michael Meyer: parts of ceramic pottery, charcoal and pig-bones suggest the existence of a cooking-place (on the hill ?).
4. There is also a lance-tip mentioned, but I'm not sure whether taht might be confused with the "Arrow-tip" .

More eventually tomorrow, when there hopefully will be more press-releases...

...."off to see the wizard"


Siggi K.
Quote:3. According to Prof. Michael Meyer: parts of ceramic pottery, charcoal and pig-bones suggest the existence of a cooking-place (on the hill ?).

Or maybe a sacrificial site? Sensational! I already see a cooking site museum coming, and after three or four years evidence will harden that it indeed was rather a site of a suovetaurilia which in fact took place 5 m more in the north of the actual museum site....

No, just kidding... :mrgreen:
Christian K.

No reconstruendum => No reconstruction.

Ut desint vires, tamen est laudanda voluntas.
Cooking place on the hilltop, where all those nasty boltheads and arrowtips came in - bad cook?! :wink:
(see: Asterix the Legionary)

The "lancehead" and the "arrowhead" are the same - and germanic.
The sixth denarius is another Elagabalus i guess?

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