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McCullough\'s The October Horse!
Anyone else read McCullough's last in her Masters of Rome series? I'm finding the reader reviews on Amazon and Epinions to be pretty darn close to the mark. I would summmarize them as 'Many characters; one voice'. But despite that, it's still a very good read. And McCullough successfully resists the temptation to re-write history. Her hero dies in the end. M<br>
David <p></p><i></i>
Let's hope this one inspires the movie industry to make an epic film series on her books, much like the Tolkien-mania now.The CGI is now available to accurately recreate the places and battles as they really should be.<br>
Dan <p></p><i></i>
Just started reading it. I had finished all the others in this series a while back and delved into others since. I had almost forgot her knack for detail and making me feel as if I where standing along side Caesar! She will always be one of my favorites. I am always amused when some people disparage her work with monotonous remarks implying that she is way off mark on historical facts, in love with Caesar, or writing a story that only a nitwit would like. I feel that she is a great source for piqueing interest in Roman history. <p></p><i></i>
I agree that she's good at provoking interest, and I guess I'm some kind of sappy nitwit, 'cause I really like these books! I've been waiting what seems like an eternity for this one to come out!<br>
Gaius Marius Aquilus: True Bibliophile <p></p><i></i>
I do sound a bit harsh in my first post. I meant the bit about re-writing history as a mild poke at McCullough for her seeming reluctance to write this last book; the one where Caesar has to die. I loved the series, especially <span style="text-decoration:underline">The Grass Crown</span> and <span style="text-decoration:underline">Caesar's Women</span>. And I think McCullough's explanation (re-writing) of key events in the Catiline Conspiracy is masterful, and shows her at her best. I believe McCullough really does love her incarnation of Caesar, but I seem to be in good company. [url=" target="top]See This Thread[/url]<br>
I've thought for several years that she had produced a book a year in the series, but looking over my copies, I see that's not really the case. Anyone know why she chose to do other projects for five years before she came back to Caesar?<br>

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