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Ludus Militis (US)
The website for Ludus Militis is now online.

It is to be a list of photo essays and documents to assist reenactors, living historians, and other interested parties in the "how-to" of the hobby, mostly Roman.

The first (of many to come) document that has been posted is TACTICA, a well-researched and footnoted Roman drill manual. Come and see what you think.
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Well, we will see now how people will talk...
a.k.a.: Marsh Wise
Legio IX Hispana

Alteris renumera duplum de quoquo tibi numeraverunt

"A fondness for power is implanted in most men, and it is natural to abuse it when acquired." -- Alexander Hamilton

"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress.... But then I repeat myself." ~Mark Twain

[img size=150][/img]
(Oooh, Marshall, you cannot use an icky modern QR code, it is against all policies and rules.)
I'm not sure I want to sign up for yet another forum.. Cry Since you are advertising this publication, is it possible to provide a link or maybe send me a copy for comment purposes?
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Well, there is little traffic at this time, and I understand about not wanting to sign up for another. Since there will be some instructions there on actions and practices that could potentially be misused and cause someone to be injured, the decision was made by staff that registrants must sign a liability release as part of membership. Membership allows one to view any/all documents and "how-to" articles that will be on the site. I'm sure there will be those who start sending the document around outside of the LM membership, but we're not liable for that, if the lawyers have told us rightly.

We don't want to be in competition with this forum, as we're doing things from a different starting point, and moving (albeit gradually) in a different direction, for different reasons.
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Hi David,

If the authos wants to publish the article I can understand why you don't want it spread around before that.
But if not, AND if you want to se comments (which is why I assume you advertise it here), I think you won't be receiving the attention that you'd like.

One of the great thing of this forum i that it represent the move away from the secretive hoarding of information that so regrettably characterised re-enactment during the time until the late 1990s. I surely hope that your 'different direction' does not mean a return to those dark days.
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
We are not advertising in the way many do. Anyone who wants to see what's up can come over and take a look. We're not trying to move discussion of what we're doing over there to forum posts on RAT, however, as that would be a little strange.

I simply mentioned that the first major document is now available from that source. There's nothing secret about it, really.
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Anyone familiar with the US legal system can cite litigation that costs the victim (of the lawsuit) thousands of dollars for a lawsuit that has little or no basis. Signing the wavier
to access the site helps protect contributors from unwarranted legal costs. As an example I am working on a Camp and Fort reenactment guide and could possibly be sued if I
mentioned how to place sudis around the camp and someone was injured as a result of following the suggested method in the manual. (despite multiple safety cautions in the manual).
Posting information here on RAT is great but it becomes difficult to easily find after a while because of the volume of traffic. Ludis Militis is meant to compliment RAT by providing
an easy to reference resource area for reenactment training manuals and how to material NOT replace the many fine discussion areas that RAT is best at.
John Kaler MSG, USA Retired
Member Legio V (Tenn, USA)
Staff Member Ludus Militus
Owner Vicus and Village:

All of the categorical areas on Ludus Militis can fit, without a doubt into any of RAT's existing ones. So while your mission statement is to provide a different service if you will for reenactors, on screen this doesn't appear to be the case. I mean, if you are looking at that close of details concerning your group's specific works it would seem that the yahoo! email group served that purpose much better.
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
Thank you for the observation, Magnus, but after some long discussions toweigh in various factors, we set up the LM forum to support the LM documents as they were posted on the LM website. For the time being, we're not as strictly categorical as we will be in the future.

You're right, of course: all topics everywhere that concern Roman reenactment and history could fit somewhere on RAT, but we opted for a separate venue, for reasons thoroughly discussed by our staff. We likewise decided that the yahoogroup format was too loose to manage messaging, for the very same reason RAT is not a yahoogroup. Anyone who wants to discuss what we're doing is welcomed to come over, join the site, keep the rules, and participate. Anyone who doesn't want to join is perfectly free not to do so.

We are not in competition with RAT in any particular way. Other information sites exist elsewhere; we're just one more. We were hoping not to create arguments here about what we're doing there, but at the same time, other sites list updates on their history pages here on RAT, so we thought we'd be allowed to do that, too. There's a good chance that many of the photoessays and "how-to" documents will be listed here, too, but I can't speculate too heavily on that, as there are various authors involved, and they should be allowed to do as they wish. We have no restrictions on that.
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Thanks for the politically correct answer dave without actually answering anything lol. I wish you guys all the best. Big Grin
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
As a member and supporter of both, I can see each side of the "argument", and personally after all the work on the Tactica I would have liked to paste it all over! It really is well sourced, so I think if you join, even just to get that document and never logon or post again, it will be worth your while. That said I know some folks are spreading it over email and such too. Unfortunately liability is turning everything into a joke anymore (something we can all agree on), so smarter heads than I said we had to be protected... argh. Even RAT has a huge disclaimer. So there is a little agony on registering, but as we add the drill exercises, moving to contact, and command wav and ultimately video files, I think you'll want to grab them too.

In fairness, there is room for everyone I think.

A few projects that are in the beginning stages are:
Reenactment specific Latin Lexicon
Camp and Fort Manual
How to conduct reenactment events guide

Everyone has their favorite area so contributions ideas and suggestions for future projects are welcome on the site.
John Kaler MSG, USA Retired
Member Legio V (Tenn, USA)
Staff Member Ludus Militus
Owner Vicus and Village:
Hmm. You're welcome, Magnus, I guess. I thought that was a pretty clear answer, but obviously you see it some other way. I was attempting to be factual: I detest political correctness in all its forms.

That I know of, there is a Greek reenactor forum, Hippeis, and a Late Roman forum, Lacus Curtius, and probably three or four others that cover more or less the same time period. All of their topics and discussions could be handled here on RAT, but they chose to set up their own. So did we. What's the problem with that?
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.
Quote: a Late Roman forum, Lacus Curtius
Interesting! Do you have a link?
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
I thought sure you were on the Late Roman Forum:
And LacusCurtius, I thought everbody knew about that:

Is that what you were looking for, Robert? Hope that helps.
M. Demetrius Abicio
(David Wills)

Saepe veritas est dura.

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