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Another Spolas Underway and a Question or Two
Well, its not as impressive as Gianni's yet, but after patterning with Sekundar while it rained on our event prep time Saturday, I've now cut out my spola.

The pattern is loosely based on the Aristion monument, based on the assumption that the band at the waist is an overlap and the first layer of pteruges are integral to the body as seen in some other art.

Before cutting into the leather I trued up the pattern with a tailors curve and ruler. Next I had to choose how to piece the leather. The hide was large enough that I could have done body and shoulders in one, but added the front and back tabs, or separate body and shoulders, and only two pieces. As the single body and shoulders would have had me making the shoulder guards out of softer belly leather, I went for two pieces. Here it is in the flesh, so to speak Smile

[attachment=1:156dfgxd]<!-- ia1 028.JPG<!-- ia1 [/attachment:156dfgxd]

You can see the pteruges in a little better detail in the next picture:

[attachment=0:156dfgxd]<!-- ia0 027.JPG<!-- ia0 [/attachment:156dfgxd]

The inner layer of pteruges still needs to be cut, and will probably have to be pieced, although likely only 2-3, as its a really big hide. Of course, I needed a really big hide, as I'm a really big guySmile

Next steps will be to cut out the inner layer of pteruges and stitch the two pieces together. I will be using an edge-flesh, or tunnel stitch, so that the stitching will be invisible from the outside. But first I need to find my curved awl Smile

Have fun!
I love it when a plan comes together. This morning I happened across my curved awl while looking for something else, and all of my inks and dyes were where they were supposed to be.

I also measured out the leather this morning, and it looks like 3 pieces for the inner layer of pteruges will make the best use of the hide, work around a hole in the hide, and stick to the stiffer leather (plus plenty left over for sandals Wink

At this point I have a question for Gianni and other makers of spolas - What did you use to make the decorative patterns on yours? Paint, ink, dye, or something else? Any theories as to what they were made of? Some of the patterns look an awful lot like they might be woven narrow wares.

Have fun!
Hello Cole. Good start! Looking at the photos i wonder if the body is a bit too long. I have found that the waist decorative band shouldn't be lower that the belly button and it is actually better if it's even one centimeter over it.
Also,having seen the Aristion stele in Athens, i remember that there was a carved line separating the body from the pteryges. This to me indicates that the pteryges were separate piece. I am sure that other examples are plain,like those on the Syphnian treasure. Next to the Aristion stele there is another warrior stele in t&y armour. The marble has cracked in about the waist line and has been restored there,but as far as i can see there is no indication of separation. So if you judge that you might shorten the body a bit,it is very simple to cut the pteryges and sew them a bit upper.

In my spola,i have cut the decoration out of pieces of thin leather and glued them on. I have only painted the lions on the back. I decided that they're too delicate and i had better paint them. I do believe that at least some of the decoration in some of them was painted. For instance the medusa head on Alexander's cuirass in the Pompei mosaic seems painted. I also believe that some of the decoration was bronze,either cast or beaten, as is evident on at least one of the cuirasses on the Parthenon frieze. And finally,no one can exclude that some of the stitching of different pieces and layers wasn't done by coloured thread and in specific patterns. That stitched decoration was used at least on pteryges is confirmed on the Mars of Todi, and if we were sure about the matterial we could say if they had at least some function or not. I believe not.
Are you going to cut a neck guard on the yoke? It isn't visible on the aristion stele but i think it is so universal that it might not need be indicated there,especially since there is the crest over that area.
I'm eager to see it worn and finished.
Keep us posted
Giannis K. Hoplite
a.k.a.:Giannis Kadoglou
[Image: -side-1.gif]


Some good points there. First off, to the question of long in the body, you probably don't know that I'm a only a few centimetres shy of 2m tall and have a 130cm chest. So, everything I have to make seems a bit big to people, as I'm not built on a normal scale Smile

That said, sample fits do seem to indicate that the breast plate is a bit tall, and the pteruges a bit long. But first is readily fixed, and the second was deliberate, as looking at the stele, the pteruges could have to be of varying lengths to have the even bottom depicted after taking into account the curve of his gluteus maximus, .

On another front, it is currently cut just below the navel, in a line with the top of my hips. As it is not a slavish reproduction of the Aristion monument, I chose to do the integral pteruge/body which will allow for adjustment of that line before applying a decorative overlay strip. In addition, I now realize that that strip could also be used to conceal through stitching for the second layer of pteruges, which would vastly simplify construction. (i.e. not having to do 130 cm of tunnel stitching Smile

Which brings us to the million dollar (or euro Smile question, the neck flap. As cut mine doesn't have one, as I just didn't see on one the Aristion stele when I was patterning. I do tend to disagree when you say that the it didn't need to be represented, rather its my feeling that the damage to the crest makes it an open question.

I do agree that it is common, but of the relatively small sample set of vases depicting the back of the neck on a tube and yoke, there are a couple that do not appear to have the flap, although one of those is a persian context tube and yoke (Beazley 203903 and 207159).

One can be retrofitted on, but for now I'm not going to make any further changes until I have it together and can do a proper trial fitting. As I got the inner layer of pteruges cut last night and assembled into a whole, and all of the holes punched to blind stitch the shoulders onto the body, I should have it together for a trial fit today! None of the above were picture worthy, so I will save the next set for when there is a little more dramatic development.

Thanks again, and have fun!

Thanks for the reply Cole. I think that for any comments from me, i had better wait for the trial photos too.
A point on the pteryges lenght through my experience from my two cuirasses and the samples from their construction, the pteryges should not cover the genitals completely. I have realized that their perception wasn't that they had a cuirass covering the body and then there were the pteryges for the protection of the thighs. They rather had "long" cuirasses for the protection of the torso, which were cut in the lower end to facilitate movement. Don't forget the very useful "rule" created in this forum: you have to be able to sit without the rear pteryges touching the chair when your body is straight vertical.
Giannis K. Hoplite
a.k.a.:Giannis Kadoglou
[Image: -side-1.gif]

Thanks again. The trial fit will be the thing. The pteruges are long just to give me some design leeway to get it wrong, as this is the first time I'm doing this Wink

The "rule" about sitting in a chair is a good idea as it does look like the resulting length would match the Aristion stele.

Have fun!
Quote:Well, its not as impressive as Gianni's yet, but after patterning with Sekundar while it rained on our event prep time Saturday, I've now cut out my spola.

The pattern is loosely based on the Aristion monument, based on the assumption that the band at the waist is an overlap and the first layer of pteruges are integral to the body as seen in some other art.

Before cutting into the leather I trued up the pattern with a tailors curve and ruler. Next I had to choose how to piece the leather. The hide was large enough that I could have done body and shoulders in one, but added the front and back tabs, or separate body and shoulders, and only two pieces. As the single body and shoulders would have had me making the shoulder guards out of softer belly leather, I went for two pieces. Here it is in the flesh, so to speak Smile

[attachment=1:1fqv0h3a]<!-- ia1 028.JPG<!-- ia1 [/attachment:1fqv0h3a]

You can see the pteruges in a little better detail in the next picture:

[attachment=0:1fqv0h3a]<!-- ia0 027.JPG<!-- ia0 [/attachment:1fqv0h3a]

The inner layer of pteruges still needs to be cut, and will probably have to be pieced, although likely only 2-3, as its a really big hide. Of course, I needed a really big hide, as I'm a really big guySmile

Next steps will be to cut out the inner layer of pteruges and stitch the two pieces together. I will be using an edge-flesh, or tunnel stitch, so that the stitching will be invisible from the outside. But first I need to find my curved awl Smile

Have fun!

Looks great. But... what's a spolas??? Oh, you mean that thing that's mentioned ambiguously about five times in the ancient sources? Confusing are the passages....
Scott B.
Really,there exist the appropriate threads for this debate and we shouldn't start this one again here,but since ancient sources say "spolas is a cuirass of leather attached to the shoulders" and "a spolas instead of a cuirass" not spolas under or with a cuirass, ans since Spartan (=conservative) hoplites have been wearing it and there is no depiction of a hoplite wearing anything else that a bronze cuirass or a t & y cuirass, then a spolas has great chances to have been a tube & yoke cuirass of leather.
Giannis K. Hoplite
a.k.a.:Giannis Kadoglou
[Image: -side-1.gif]
What Gianni said. Spolas and thorakes are my preferred terminologies now Smile

Well, its been a busy weekend, and I've gotten a fair bit done. First up I shortened the pteruges 2 inches and raised the top line an inch to get the desired fit. Unfortunately I didn't have a camerman handy, so all pics are still of it on the bench.

First up, I edge-flesh stitched on the yoke:

[attachment=6:2yt9vixb]<!-- ia6 Yoke Stitched.JPG<!-- ia6 [/attachment:2yt9vixb][attachment=5:2yt9vixb]<!-- ia5 Yoke Stitching Detail.JPG<!-- ia5 [/attachment:2yt9vixb][attachment=4:2yt9vixb]<!-- ia4 Yoke Stitching Exterior.JPG<!-- ia4 [/attachment:2yt9vixb]

Then the Pteruges were tacked together:

[attachment=3:2yt9vixb]<!-- ia3 Pteruges tacked together.JPG<!-- ia3 [/attachment:2yt9vixb][attachment=2:2yt9vixb]<!-- ia2 Pteruges Stitched.JPG<!-- ia2 [/attachment:2yt9vixb]

Colouring will be easier before assembling these pieces, so after testing some colour samples, I dyed the entire thing following John Conyard's method. I've also blackened the tabs front and back, but didn't get a pic.[attachment=1:2yt9vixb]<!-- ia1 Colour Samples.JPG<!-- ia1 [/attachment:2yt9vixb][attachment=0:2yt9vixb]<!-- ia0 Coloured Spolas.JPG<!-- ia0 [/attachment:2yt9vixb]

Next up detail painting and final assembly.

Have fune!
Nice work so far! Big Grin How much is it costing you? Materials, dye, etc.
Craig Bellofatto

Going to college for Massage Therapy. So reading alot of Latin TerminologyWink

It is like a finger pointing to the moon. DON\'T concentrate on the finger or you miss all the heavenly glory before you!-Bruce Lee

Train easy; the fight is hard. Train hard; the fight is easy.- Thai Proverb

The hide was $120 Canadian, and there's enough left over to make sandals for quite a few people despite my fairly heroic stature Wink

The Leather paint and dye came to about $10, but I've barely touched the volume, as it spreads a long way, even after 2 coats. Brass rings and mounts have added another $10 so far. I'm using recycled thong, but probably $5 worth originally .

All in its probably in the $100-120 range.

Have fun!
OK, Its been a few days, but I got it put together for our event this weekend past.

Some details need to be worked on after trying it out.

- It needs to be lined, as I`m a trifle chafed at the shoulders
- It needs three closures at the side, not two.
- It needs leather reinforcements at the lacing points
- The breast plate is about an inch to tall, and possible a little wide.
- It needs more decorative work, including the bands.
- I need to arrange the chiton underneath a little more.

All in all, it wears well. I can sit without the pteruges touching the chair, I can hurl a spear with some aplomb as the other picture shows.

[attachment=1:2hso1unt]<!-- ia1 Zeus Epoptes 063.JPG<!-- ia1 [/attachment:2hso1unt][attachment=0:2hso1unt]<!-- ia0 Zeus Epoptes 069.JPG<!-- ia0 [/attachment:2hso1unt]

Hello Cole
Have you considered narrowing the shoulder guards? I'd juggest from the inner side,so they don't press your neck,especially when you raise your arms.
How are you going to shorten it,unstitch it all,or cut the inch from the top of the sternum?
I have also reinforced the spots of attachment but only with small pieces of leather exactly under the rings. Not sure if it was necessary in mine,i added it just in case.
What are you going to line it with?
Giannis K. Hoplite
a.k.a.:Giannis Kadoglou
[Image: -side-1.gif]

Interesting point about the shoulders. I'll take a look and see if I can work our a way to make that happen.

To shorten it all I have to do is slice off an inch from the top of the sternum, and taper it in a bit more.

After looking at the reconstructed leather bags we've got, I'm considering not even using rings. They have teardrop re-inforcements with a hole through both layers. Looking at the Arisition monument, the points where the lace comes up from the stomach could be something just like that, and after trimming down the pteruges I have a ton (well, 38) little leather tabs that are just the right size Smile

The lining is a good question, some sort of leather, and I need to figure that out. Any suggestions?

One other thing: I'm going to reduce the size of the overlap as well as with a third connection point it won't really be needed.

Have fun!
Looking good there!

A suggestion for lining leather - veg tan goatskin! I used some for my scabbard and had lots left over for other things. It was 2-3 oz. Very light and handled like buttah! It could be folded over at edges and still be supple enough to cushion and protect you. Second choice might be very light pigskin... Check out ebay and maybe google for suppliers.
Cheryl Boeckmann

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