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Forming a Ludis?
How do i approach the subject of starting a Ludis
what do i need?(gear)
How many people?
Where to challenge other schools?
Do i need a Color for tunics and such?
I would suggest to think a little bit more before you start Big Grin
Sorry if I sounds annoying (again) but I think it is better to have a proper and researched start then starting too fast and make (expensive) mistakes.

First, think about what you exactly want to do. Most of use here tent to go for the historical view, rather than a purely martial arts approach. Both are fine, have their own (dis)advantages and best would be to combine them to some extend. So, basically the first question would be what is more important: martial arts or historical re-enactment.
Also ask yourself the question how experienced you are in martial arts. Using weaponry really asks a lot from you and everyone involved and should only be done with proper training under knowledgeable supervisors.

So, do you go for the martial arts approach, just find a nearby SCA group and see their rules. They probably have enough guidelines of what kit (NOT HISTORICALLY!) you need to be allowed to 'enter the arena'.

Next, again I would suggest you to get some books before anything else. Really the best start, if you would like to take a historical approach, is to read about the subject. Read some more books, and read even more books. Now, when you have read some more, you will start knowing a bit about the gladiatortypes and their equipment and you can answer your 2nd, 3rd and 5th question yourself Wink

About your forth question. I think that sounds like SCA. At least in Europe most groups don't challenge each other for safety reasons, as most fight their own way and with real weaponry.

Ow, finally I would of course would anser the remaining questions:
-to fight you need your own kit, which depents on which kind of gladiator you would like to portray, same goes for your opponent.
-to fight you need 2 people. So you group best has at least 2 people. Makes training much easier.
-Gladiators (expect the eques) didn't use a tunic in the arena, so don't worry about the tunic color Big Grin (I don't expect you to do an eques impression, anyway). As for the subligaculum, just go for a color you like and which can be achieved using 'authentic' dyes. But most colors will do fine Big Grin
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
thank u so much im a noob lol haha i mean ive bin doing sword fighting since i was 6 now im 17 and im also a silver glove boxer and an mma fighter wining ameture fights but that has nothing to do with gladitorial but yes if u can give me a list of books to read that be great and YOUR THE BEST .... and its not annoying at all ure guiding me on the right path
Well, probably you prefer something in English.
I think I did mention Susanna Shadrake's - 'World of the gladiator' in another topic already.
Think that is the best start in English. Then I found 'Gladiator: Rome's Bloody Spectacle' by Konstantin Nossov an interesting read with some unique artwork. Could have been better, but it isn't bad. At least he also took the time to include the other parts of the 'games'. I would also suggest you to get a copy of Markus Junkelmann 'Das spiel mit dem Tod', although you might not read German, it has one of the most extensive overviews of equipment in it. Very usefull. For an more historical view, Fik Meijers 'The Gladiators: History's Most Deadly Sport ' is also interesting.

Good luck.
Jvrjenivs Peregrinvs Magnvs / FEBRVARIVS
A.K.A. Jurjen Draaisma
CORBVLO and Fectio
thanks yea im actualy lookin for the first recomindation
Jurjen does make some very good points.
As you are starting out with no background knowledge I would recommend 'Gladiator: Rome's Bloody Spectacle' by Konstantin Nossov over the book by Shadrake.
Not only do I consider Nossov to be better structured and less cluttered then Shadrake, the artwork is also quite good and accurate to the archeological knowledge on the subject.
The Junkelmann Book is a great scientific treaty on the subject with numerous pictures of Gladiators depicted on roman mosaics, vases, oillamps and so on.
It also has pictures of almost all surviving pieces of Gladiator gear, but dont consider buying the book before you have a good understanding about the topic.
In Germany we are lucky to have the "little Junkelmann" a book about the Topic written by Junkelmann for a series of childrens books called "Was ist Was Gladiatoren".

The most important thing to consider is your goal in this, so why do you want to train as a Gladiator?
Olaf Küppers - Histotainment, Event und Promotion - Germany
thanks for the adviceee every 1 ive bin makiing helmets out of paper mache since me and friends are DIRT BROKE like we just salvage materials to make things if any 1 has adivce also on making things like tutorials of paper mache armor anything

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