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re-enactors in the Houston Texas area
I have been contacted by a fellow from Houston Texas, who is looking for Roman re-enactors in his area. My searches of the web didn't turn up anything. Is there anyone out there who could help?? <p></p><i></i>
Yup, here ya go...<br>
Cicero (in Louisiana) <p>[url=" target="top][/url]</p><i></i>
Thanks Dave<br>
I'll forward that information to the fellow in Texas, and see if I can get him to join this forum. <p></p><i></i>
There's also Legion VIII in San Antonio. A bit of a drive from Houston, but do-able.<br>
Check <p></p><i></i>
Have your fellow contact John McDermott of Legio X Fretensis at [email protected] in Houston, Texas. <p></p><i></i>
"In war as in loving, you must always keep shoving." George S. Patton, Jr.
John does your unit have a website or yahoo group? We're always looking for romans and celts to make it up the Roman Fort in Lafe Arkansas. I believe it's the third weekend in March 05.<br>
Dave/Cicero/Demenorix <p>[url=" target="top][/url]</p><i></i>
Dear Dave,<br>
Terry Nix and I form the nucleus of Legio X. We have been working on it for years, but don't have a website yet.<br>
Our latest project is to get a 4-span scorpion up and running. I can do most periods, but my best gear is from the first half of the first c. AD.<br>
We have one other member in Houston besides Terry and me. My ultimate goal is to have a legion armory capable of equipping 4 legionnaires besides Terry and myself.<br>
Email me if you want anything.<br>
John <p></p><i></i>
"In war as in loving, you must always keep shoving." George S. Patton, Jr.
I have a Legion in San Antonio, Texas and would welcome new members.<br>
Gaius Livius Marcellus<br>
Optio- Legion VIII Augusta<br>
[email protected] <p></p><i></i>
Ave John,<br>
Good to hear you guys are working on stuff. Our Iron age Celt unit is just taking off we have a small core of dedicated people who are talented as well. You should at least make a yahoo group as it gives you a place to put photos and post notices and such.<br>
Vale Dave <p>[url=" target="top][/url]</p><i></i>
There is a new Roman reenactment group in the Houston, Texas area. It is Legio Tredecim Gemina. Its website is Its email address is [email protected]. It is affiliated with Nova Roma.

Its primary historical period is 100 BC to 100 AD. It welcomes both military and civilian reenactors. There are no compulsory dues or initiation fees. Membership in Nova Roma is required of legion members.

As this is a new organization, it is actively recruiting members.

For more information, contact Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus, Praefectus Legionis (Commander), at [email protected].
Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus
Praefectus Legionis
Legio Tredecim Gemina
Salve Omnes,

Legio Tredecim Gemina has made changes in its website, primarily in the "Equipment List", in response to valid observations from several individuals. Although we note that pictures are for illustration purposes only, we believe that the revision will satisfy most critics.

The website is now on Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Type in Legio Tredecim Gemina.

Thank you for your prior comments. We are always open to constructive criticism.


Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus
Praefectus Legionis
Legio Tredecim Gemina
Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus
Praefectus Legionis
Legio Tredecim Gemina

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