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Poll: what roman movie should you like to see made?
And Camilla as Suetonius Paulinus?<br>
Titus Sabatinus Aquilius<br>
"Desilite, inquit, commilitones, nisi vultis aquilam hostibus prodere" D.B.G. (4.25)<br>
TITVS/Daniele Sabatini

... Tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum
desinet ac toto surget Gens Aurea mundo,
casta faue Lucina; tuus iam regnat Apollo ...

Vergilius, Bucolicae, ecloga IV, 4-10
[Image: PRIMANI_ban2.gif]
and maybe Charles as the Suetonius Paulinus' horse...<br>
Titus Sabatinus Aquilius<br>
"Desilite, inquit, commilitones, nisi vultis aquilam hostibus prodere" D.B.G. (4.25)<br>
TITVS/Daniele Sabatini

... Tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum
desinet ac toto surget Gens Aurea mundo,
casta faue Lucina; tuus iam regnat Apollo ...

Vergilius, Bucolicae, ecloga IV, 4-10
[Image: PRIMANI_ban2.gif]
or at least part of the horse? <p></p><i></i>
Caius Fabius Maior
Charles Foxtrot
moderator, Roman Army Talk
link to the rules for posting
nah you want princess margret as the horse, after all she is known as horse face remember a newspaper cartoon a few years back that had Nick the bubble takeing her to see the horse doctor to get her teeth done <p></p><i></i>
well, she gets the front and that leaves Chuckie in the rear. <p>"Just before class started, I looked in the big book where all the world's history is written, and it said...." Neil J. Hackett, PhD ancient history, professor OSU, 1987</p><i></i>
Caius Fabius Maior
Charles Foxtrot
moderator, Roman Army Talk
link to the rules for posting
Assuming that the film is one that I would like many people to want to see I think I would go for the story of Boudicca.<br>
Boudicca herself starts of 'good' (pro-Roman), but we all identify with her as she turns on her tormentors - a perfect heroine figure. There's lots of opportunity for feminist issues, love-interest, pathos etc. The sacking of London and the final battle would be spectacular. <p></p><i></i>
Glenn "Boudicca" Close?<br>
Anyway, in a possible movie like "Boudicca: the warrior queen", While Boudicca would be surely seen like a positive romantic figure, I think the Romans were likely depicted as bad "Nazis" or "Indians" (like in the '50-'60 war or western movies), or even like pitiless pederasts, winners due to their luck<br>
Which director you know could resist to a such temptation?<br>
Titus Sabatinus Aquilius<br>
"Desilite, inquit, commilitones, nisi vultis aquilam hostibus prodere" D.B.G. (4.25)<br>
TITVS/Daniele Sabatini

... Tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum
desinet ac toto surget Gens Aurea mundo,
casta faue Lucina; tuus iam regnat Apollo ...

Vergilius, Bucolicae, ecloga IV, 4-10
[Image: PRIMANI_ban2.gif]
There is a film about Bodicca called horribly enough "the Viking Queen" with the story somewhat correct. She is in love with a Roman officer, and the fight scenes aren't too bad. The story line tells the tale from history with a bit of color added. You can find this film at, if you have not already added it to your collection.<br>
<p>"Just before class started, I looked in the big book where all the world's history is written, and it said...." Neil J. Hackett, PhD ancient history, professor OSU, 1987</p><i></i>
Caius Fabius Maior
Charles Foxtrot
moderator, Roman Army Talk
link to the rules for posting
Never seen so far, thank you Caius!<br>
Titus Sabatinus Aquilius<br>
"Desilite, inquit, commilitones, nisi vultis aquilam hostibus prodere" D.B.G. (4.25)<br>
TITVS/Daniele Sabatini

... Tu modo nascenti puero, quo ferrea primum
desinet ac toto surget Gens Aurea mundo,
casta faue Lucina; tuus iam regnat Apollo ...

Vergilius, Bucolicae, ecloga IV, 4-10
[Image: PRIMANI_ban2.gif]
One of the funniest bad 60s non-epics ever made. I've only seen it once - on late night TV - but apparently there's a scene in it where all the cheering Britons are waving their swords in the air around Boadicea and, if you look carefully, you can one of them is still wearing his watch.<br>
There's also a great scene where she drives her authentic chariot, with its scythed wheels, along the front of a tightly packed Roman formation. By standing very still and not trying to hit her with any weapons despite the fact she's only a couple of feet away, the Romans manage to let her cut off their legs, leaving scores of legless Romans in her wake with lots of fake looking severed legs on the ground.<br>
It's great for a laugh.<br>
Cheers, <p>Tim O'Neill / Thiudareiks Flavius
Visit 'Clades Variana' - Home of the Varus Film Project<BR>
Help create the film of Publius Quinctilius Varus' lost legions</p><i></i>
Tim ONeill / Thiudareiks Flavius /Thiudareiks Gunthigg

HISTORY FOR ATHEISTS - New Atheists Getting History Wrong
So directly before Gladiator came out, Entertainment Tonight did a piece on it, and after they were done showing short clips of the movie, and talking about how big it could become, they mentioned that (paraphrasing) 'other actors were looking at this film with some serious interest. Among those, Tom Hanks is said to be considering a movie about Julius Caesar'.<br>
How about that? Tom Hanks as Caesar....I actually think he could pull it off.<br>
I've always been partial to the Boudica revolt, but from the side of Suetonius Paullinus, cause what he did to survive that day is nothing short of amazing in my book. And just think of the final battle scene! Wow!<br>
Or, if you are going to take it from the every day 'grunt's' perspective, I would love to see a movie made about the attack on Maiden Castle during the Boudica revolt...from either the roman or the celtic it like THERE was an ending to a war movie. One of the best war movies, in my book. *sniff* *sniff*<br>
I could see Hanks as Caesar, though I don't think he'd be best. Patrick Stuart would be great. I think Harrison Ford would be good too, though I appear to have a much higher opinion of him than most do.<br>
I envision a movie called "The African" detailing the rise and fall of Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanius. Starting scene could be the disaster at Caenne, Pattonesque direction for the Spanish conquest, climax at Zama, and then a lead up to the petty jellousies of the Senate after the Triumph.<br>
The Varus disaster would probably be the best starting place, though.<br>
What about a Massada movie? That is a great story that could use telling. <p></p><i></i>
Masada Movie?<br>
Like the miniseries wasn't enough?<br>
It may not be the best film, but is more accurate than Gladiator! hmmm <p>"Just before class started, I looked in the big book where all the world's history is written, and it said...." Neil J. Hackett, PhD ancient history, professor OSU, 1987</p><i></i>
Caius Fabius Maior
Charles Foxtrot
moderator, Roman Army Talk
link to the rules for posting
As bad as it was, actually, I think The Viking Queen was called Boudicca for European audiences. I think Viking Queen was stricly for American consumption, for as a whole, typically cannot fathom British History prior to the mythical version of King Arthur. The Boudicca story may be remade authentically soon, but cannot say more now. I fear it would become another "Braveheart" or "Patriot" though, with the "evil Romans" in place of the "evil British".<br>
Another good one would be "The Life and Times of Flavius Josephus", based on his writings. We'd have the Jewish War, Year of the Four Emperors, etc. Spielberg might be interested in this story. Despite his occasional shortcomings, based on previous historical film work, I know he would strive to make it far more authentic than Gladiator was.<br>
Dan, I also heard rumours of a movie about Boudicca's revolt, Rachel Weisz (The Mummy, Mummy 2, Enemy at the Gates) is slated to play the lead role of Boudicca. <p>"A life lived day to day is a life truly lived."<BR>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>

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