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New TV miniseries about Hannibal
Collective groan all round, but we'll all watch it! :woot:

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Ben Kane, bestselling author of the Eagles of Rome, Spartacus and Hannibal novels.

Eagles in the Storm released in UK on March 23, 2017.
Aguilas en la tormenta saldra en 2017.
Twitter: @benkaneauthor
Ben, why hasn't somone grab your work for the Hannibal mini-series? To answer my own question, from my experience with the American film industry, I would say your work would be considered too intelligent and therefore, would require the audience to think.
I think I'll pass on that one... I am fairly certain this is going to be a disaster. I also cannot fathom why Halle Berry would want to produce something like this. It's ridiculous.
I was excited until I saw that it was spearheaded by Halle Berry. She should know her place, which I can most certainly assure you is not producing military history media. If she truly wanted this show to be regarded with any amount seriousness she would have let someone else take the reins. It's a shame, so much potential...
"The strong did what they could, the weak suffered what they must."

- Thucydides

Sean Cantrell
Northern Michigan
Hannibal and Scipio grew to respect each other as brothers? Really, that's what they're going with? I think they may have respected each others talents, but I have no doubt that that they bore nothing but hatred for one another.

Scipio saw countless numbers of his country men slain at the hands of Hannibal's army, he say his country ravaged, and barley escaped Cannae with his life. Does anyone really think he had anything other than hatred for Hannibal?

And Ahlle Berry names Hannibal the greatest general of all time? Again, really? Alexander the Great anyone? Or maybe this little balding Roman fella, who took it upon himself to conquer all of gaul in 8 years, the procede to soundly defeat all of his rivals, subjugate Ptolomeic Egypt, and then fight his way accross North Africa and Spain to supress the remnants of the Optimates....
Brandon Barnes
Legio VI Vicrix
You can't call a single person the Greatest General of all time. You can't compare General George Patton and Sun Tzu, or Flavius Aetius and Napoleon Bonaparte.
I'd love that Steve, but when directors can use the ancient sources, or parts of them, without paying a novelist for their stories, they will do so - at least that's my making sense of it.
Ben Kane, bestselling author of the Eagles of Rome, Spartacus and Hannibal novels.

Eagles in the Storm released in UK on March 23, 2017.
Aguilas en la tormenta saldra en 2017.
Twitter: @benkaneauthor
Steve also has a point with the Thinking - that's why Atlas Shrugged Part 1 and Part 2 were flops. As far as I know they're not making a Part 3 (I like Part 1, it was really good, but it flopped because people had to think... then Part 2 was really bad because they cut EVERYTHING.)
Quote:...As far as I know they're not making a Part 3...

I sure hope they're not making a part 3!

Who knows, maybe Halle Berry will pull through for us. It's highly unlikely, but i'd like to hope for the best. I wonder what drove her to want to produce something like this. Maybe she thinks she is a relative of Hannibal himself?
Back in the Black Power glory days of Afrocentrism everyone from Africa - any part of Africa - was black. The pharaohnic Egyptians were black, Cleopatra was black and, needless to say, Hannibal was black. He was from Africa, wasn't he? What do you want to bet this is how Halle Berry wants to play it?
Pecunia non olet
What happened to Vin Diesel as Hannibal? Is this the same idea, or is Berry stealing Diesel's thunder (gasp!)?
Nathan Ross
Quote:Back in the Black Power glory days of Afrocentrism everyone from Africa - any part of Africa - was black. The pharaohnic Egyptians were black, Cleopatra was black and, needless to say, Hannibal was black. He was from Africa, wasn't he? What do you want to bet this is how Halle Berry wants to play it?

Hannibal was a descendant of royalty, and the first people to begin Carthage were Phoenician nobles as I recall. He was more middle eastern/Mediterranean than anything. Still dark skinned, just not full blown black.
Quote:What happened to Vin Diesel as Hannibal? Is this the same idea, or is Berry stealing Diesel's thunder (gasp!)?
That sounds more like it! I'd definitely give that one a watch.
Although I don't think Hallie Berry has any particular affinity for afrocentrism or whatever you call it, I would not put it past Hollywood in general...

@Nathan Ross
Vin Diesel would make an awesome Hannibal. And Chuck Norris could be Scipio.
Oh oh oh, are we getting into parts?

Hannibal: Dwane "The Rock" Johnson :-O

Scipio: Who's the new Capt. Kirk? That guy...
Brandon Barnes
Legio VI Vicrix

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