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New TV miniseries about Hannibal
Hannibal: Halle Berry. Why not? Just do it.

The entire thing would be shot somewhere between 300/Spartacus and at some point someone should shout "THIS....IS....ZUMA" and then rock music and stuff. The battle should have rhinos and elephants and pigmies riding hyenas and lightning everywhere. Scipio will have to be half naked 90% of the time. Maybe he has a tragic love story with Halle-bal. We need to embrace the inherent cheesiness, just go for it. Make it memorable.
Quote:Scipio: Who's the new Capt. Kirk? That guy...

Scipio must be played by Benedict Cumberbatch. Its obligatory for him to be in everything at the moment - plus, the evil Romans have to be British, of course...
Nathan Ross
Oh my god! He was the pasty white boy who ruined Khan. UGH I HATED THAT!!!
john m roberts post=348046 Wrote:Back in the Black Power glory days of Afrocentrism everyone from Africa - any part of Africa - was black. The pharaohnic Egyptians were black, Cleopatra was black and, needless to say, Hannibal was black. He was from Africa, wasn't he? What do you want to bet this is how Halle Berry wants to play it?

Hannibal was a descendant of royalty, and the first people to begin Carthage were Phoenician nobles as I recall. He was more middle eastern/Mediterranean than anything. Still dark skinned, just not full blown black.

Not in the alternate universe of Afrocentrism. I can remember back in the 60s-early 70s seeing a T-shirt with a black Hannibal on it and the legend "Hannibal was a Black African." There was a whole series of them. One even claimed Beethoven was black.
Pecunia non olet
Tai Drury post=348056 Wrote:
john m roberts post=348046 Wrote:Back in the Black Power glory days of Afrocentrism everyone from Africa - any part of Africa - was black. The pharaohnic Egyptians were black, Cleopatra was black and, needless to say, Hannibal was black. He was from Africa, wasn't he? What do you want to bet this is how Halle Berry wants to play it?

Hannibal was a descendant of royalty, and the first people to begin Carthage were Phoenician nobles as I recall. He was more middle eastern/Mediterranean than anything. Still dark skinned, just not full blown black.

Not in the alternate universe of Afrocentrism. I can remember back in the 60s-early 70s seeing a T-shirt with a black Hannibal on it and the legend "Hannibal was a Black African." There was a whole series of them. One even claimed Beethoven was black.
I'll just go ahead and refrain from elaborating on my thoughts about the occasional truthfulness of certain stereotypes and say that I am not surprised at hearing that. I wonder what they were thinking when they printed those t-shirts...
Quote:Hannibal was a descendant of royalty, and the first people to begin Carthage were Phoenician nobles as I recall. He was more middle eastern/Mediterranean than anything. Still dark skinned, just not full blown black.
I'm sure the producers can find at least one Lebanese actor who'd be perfect for the role if they try.

I'm also sure they will not try.
Dan D'Silva

Far beyond the rising sun
I ride the winds of fate
Prepared to go where my heart belongs,
Back to the past again.

--  Gamma Ray

Well, I'm tough, rough, ready and I'm able
To pick myself up from under this table...

--  Thin Lizzy

Join the Horde! -
Tai Drury post=348056 Wrote:Hannibal was a descendant of royalty, and the first people to begin Carthage were Phoenician nobles as I recall. He was more middle eastern/Mediterranean than anything. Still dark skinned, just not full blown black.
I'm sure the producers can find at least one Lebanese actor who'd be perfect for the role if they try.

I'm also sure they will not try.

We have no idea how people look liked 2000 years ago in North Africa. They could have been black, slightly coloured, even white. After so many mass movements of people they could have looked a million ways.

We simply do not know what skincolor Hannibal or Cleopatra had, we can make assumptions, and we all know who the mother of all f*ck ups is...
Marc Beermann
Dan D'Silva post=348117 Wrote:
Tai Drury post=348056 Wrote:Hannibal was a descendant of royalty, and the first people to begin Carthage were Phoenician nobles as I recall. He was more middle eastern/Mediterranean than anything. Still dark skinned, just not full blown black.
I'm sure the producers can find at least one Lebanese actor who'd be perfect for the role if they try.

I'm also sure they will not try.

We have no idea how people look liked 2000 years ago in North Africa. They could have been black, slightly coloured, even white. After so many mass movements of people they could have looked a million ways.

We simply do not know what skincolor Hannibal or Cleopatra had, we can make assumptions, and we all know who the mother of all f*ck ups is...
The inhabitants of then and now North Africa are Berbers, though pushed westwards due to Arab expansion, with varying skin color and features more in common with Southern Europeans, based on period art, than sub-Saharan Africans, the latter what Afro-centrists in the West think of as African.
aka T*O*N*G*A*R
Quote:We have no idea how people look liked 2000 years ago in North Africa. They could have been black, slightly coloured, even white. After so many mass movements of people they could have looked a million ways.

We simply do not know what skincolor Hannibal or Cleopatra had, we can make assumptions, and we all know who the mother of all f*ck ups is...
I don't think we're nearly so clueless as that. We have genetics, the drift of what I've read being that these "mass movements of people" haven't been all that massive (Moroccan Arabs, for example, actually come from mostly native stock) and we have artistic depictions of Berbers and West Asians going back to the Egyptian New Kingdom.
Dan D'Silva

Far beyond the rising sun
I ride the winds of fate
Prepared to go where my heart belongs,
Back to the past again.

--  Gamma Ray

Well, I'm tough, rough, ready and I'm able
To pick myself up from under this table...

--  Thin Lizzy

Join the Horde! -
Quote:The inhabitants of then and now North Africa are Berbers, though pushed westwards due to Arab expansion, with varying skin color and features more in common with Southern Europeans, based on period art, than sub-Saharan Africans, the latter what Afro-centrists in the West think of as African.

The Berbers were indigenous to North Africa, Carthage was a Phoenician settlement. The Phoenicians originated in the region of Syria. From what I have heard Hannibal is a mix of both (I can't remember exactly how it was put, but something along the lines that his father was of a different ethnic background than his father). But what we can draw from this is that he was definitely not any bit Sub-Saharan/Black; Hannibal was most likely more or less Mediterranean with a good chance of being most or part Berber.

And, by the way, the Berbers, being indigenous to North Africa, are in no way Arabic.
"The strong did what they could, the weak suffered what they must."

- Thucydides

Sean Cantrell
Northern Michigan
Quote: The inhabitants of then and now North Africa are Berbers, though pushed westwards due to Arab expansion, with varying skin color and features more in common with Southern Europeans, based on period art, than sub-Saharan Africans, the latter what Afro-centrists in the West think of as African.

The Berbers were indigenous to North Africa, Carthage was a Phoenician settlement. The Phoenicians originated in the region of Syria. From what I have heard Hannibal is a mix of both (I can't remember exactly how it was put, but something along the lines that his father was of a different ethnic background than his father). But what we can draw from this is that he was definitely not any bit Sub-Saharan/Black; Hannibal was most likely more or less Mediterranean with a good chance of being most or part Berber.

Quote:And, by the way, the Berbers, being indigenous to North Africa, are in no way Arabic.

I can always trust sean to defend my statements when I entirely forget about the thread. I appreciate it.
Quote:I can always trust sean to defend my statements when I entirely forget about the thread. I appreciate it.
That's why I'm here!
"The strong did what they could, the weak suffered what they must."

- Thucydides

Sean Cantrell
Northern Michigan
Quote:The inhabitants of then and now North Africa are Berbers, though pushed westwards due to Arab expansion, with varying skin color and features more in common with Southern Europeans, based on period art, than sub-Saharan Africans, the latter what Afro-centrists in the West think of as African.

The Berbers were indigenous to North Africa, Carthage was a Phoenician settlement. The Phoenicians originated in the region of Syria. From what I have heard Hannibal is a mix of both (I can't remember exactly how it was put, but something along the lines that his father was of a different ethnic background than his father). But what we can draw from this is that he was definitely not any bit Sub-Saharan/Black; Hannibal was most likely more or less Mediterranean with a good chance of being most or part Berber.

And, by the way, the Berbers, being indigenous to North Africa, are in no way Arabic.
Pardon my asking, but why repeat, though expand on, what I said? I could understand making a mistake, but I'm not following you.
aka T*O*N*G*A*R
Pardon my asking, but why repeat, though expand on, what I said? I could understand making a mistake, but I'm not following you.[/quote]

My quotes were messed up; I did not repeat your exact words but wrote the other portions in response to your original post (the first paragraph of my post was supposed to be quoted as yours). I was not necessarily correcting you.
"The strong did what they could, the weak suffered what they must."

- Thucydides

Sean Cantrell
Northern Michigan
Ariovistus Togodubnus post=348145 Wrote:
Quote:The inhabitants of then and now North Africa are Berbers, though pushed westwards due to Arab expansion, with varying skin color and features more in common with Southern Europeans, based on period art, than sub-Saharan Africans, the latter what Afro-centrists in the West think of as African.

The Berbers were indigenous to North Africa, Carthage was a Phoenician settlement. The Phoenicians originated in the region of Syria. From what I have heard Hannibal is a mix of both (I can't remember exactly how it was put, but something along the lines that his father was of a different ethnic background than his father). But what we can draw from this is that he was definitely not any bit Sub-Saharan/Black; Hannibal was most likely more or less Mediterranean with a good chance of being most or part Berber.

And, by the way, the Berbers, being indigenous to North Africa, are in no way Arabic.
Pardon my asking, but why repeat, though expand on, what I said? I could understand making a mistake, but I'm not following you.

My quotes were messed up; I did not repeat your words, I wrote the other portions of the post in response to your original post (the first paragraph of my post was supposed to be quoted as yours). I was not necessarily correcting you.
"The strong did what they could, the weak suffered what they must."

- Thucydides

Sean Cantrell
Northern Michigan

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