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1900 y. Anniversaries Traianvs invaded Armenia
1900 y. Anniversaries of Traianvs invaded Armenia and and the victory over the Parthians in the II Parthian war and the participation of LEGIO IIII SCYTHICA in this remarkable campaign.
I decided to present this anniversary in a short associated with our club LEGIO IIII SCYTHICA involved in the Armenia invaded 114 A.D .
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Trajan. AD 98-117. Sestertius Rome mint. Struck circa AD 116-117. Laureate bust right, wearing aegis / REX PARTHIS DATVS, Trajan seated left on daïs, presenting Parthamaspates to Parthia kneeling right; behind Trajan, prefect standin.
In early 114, the Emperor Trajan has finally completed his offensive in Dacia аnd decided to implement his previously well thought out plan to solve once and for all the threat on the eastern borders of the Empire. On the Roman frontier of the Euphrates River are concentrated around 13 legions,together with 12,000 Auxillary allied warriors and imperial Praetorian Guard by 9,000 people - a colossal military grouping of around 100 000 people.
From Antioch the emperor (Trajan) marched to the Euphrates and farther northward as far as the most northerly legion-camp Satala in Lesser Armenia, whence he advanced into Armenia and took the direction of Artaxata.
Trajan was resolved to make this vassal-state a province, and a shift to eastern frontier of the (Roman) empire generally.Armenia yielded to its fate and became a Roman governorship,Trajan thereupon advanced and occupied Mesopotamia and, like Armenia, Mesopotamia became a Roman province.
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The Roman Senate issued coins on this occasion bearing the following inscription: ARMENIA ET MESOPOTAMIA IN POTESTATEM P.R. REDACTAE', thus solidifying Armenia's position as the newest Roman province. A rebellion by the Parthian pretender Sanatruces was put down, though sporadic resistance continued and Vologases III of Parthia managed to secure an area of south-eastern Armenia just before Trajan's death in August 117.
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
Because Zeugma is at the border between the Roman and Parthian empires, we can be certain that the Fourth took part in all wars between the two states: for example, that of Trajan in 114-117.
Have led the military operations IIII Scythica and VI Ferrata together with the XII Fulminata (probably) in the Armenia invaded 114 A.D. Legio V Macedonica also is described as a participant in the Parthian campaigns.
In 114 Trajan start from Antiochia in Syria marched on Armenia and conquered the capital Artaxata. Trajan then deposed the Armenian king Partamasiri and ordered the annexation of Armenia to the Roman Empire as a new province.
The new province reached the shores of the Caspian sea and bordered to the north with the Caucasian Iberia and Albania, two vassal states of Rome.
[Image: abqb.jpg]
It was the Roman emperor Trajan who finally broke the treaty with Parthia by invading Armenia in 114 A.D. Trajan pushed farther and eventually took the Parthian capital Ctesiphon in 116 A.D., but with his death in 117 A.D. and the rise of Hadrian to the Roman throne, the compromise with the Parthians was restored and the Parthian Vagharsh I was placed in charge of Armenia.
[Image: bw1o.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
In 114, Trajan invaded Armenia, annexed it as a Roman province, and killed Parthamasiris who was placed on the Armenian throne by his relative, the king of Parthia, Osroes I. In 115, the Roman emperor overran northern Mesopotamia and annexed it to Rome as well; its conquest was deemed necessary, since otherwise the Armenian salient could be cut off by the Parthians from the south.The Romans then captured the Parthian capital, Ctesiphon, before sailing downriver to the Persian Gulf. However, in that year revolts erupted in Palestine, Syria and northern Mesopotamia, while a major Jewish revolt broke out in Roman territory, severely stretching Roman military resources. Trajan failed to take Hatra, which avoided total Parthian defeat. Parthian forces attacked key Roman positions and Roman garrisons at Seleucia, Nisibis and Edessa were evicted by the local populaces. Trajan subdued the rebels in Mesopotamia, installed the Parthian prince Parthamaspates as a client ruler, and withdrew to Syria. Trajan died in 117, before he could renew the war.
Regardless of Trajan's personal motivation for going to war he marched into Armenia in AD 114. Initial resistance was weak and ineffective (perhaps an indication of the debilitating internal struggle in Parthia); Armenia's royalty was deposed and its independence stripped with its annexation as a Roman province.
Over the following two years, Trajan moved south from Armenia directly into Parthian territory. Militarily, his campaign was met with great success and resistance in the field was ineffective. With the capture of such cities and Babylon and the Parthian capital of Ctesiphon on the Euphrates and Tigris Rivers, Mesopotamia and Assyria (essentially comprising modern Iraq) were annexed as Roman provinces and the emperor received the title Parthicus. Trajan continued his march to the southeast, eventually reaching the Persian Gulf in AD 116. Though Dio Cassius reports that Trajan would have preferred to march in the footsteps of Alexander, his advanced age (approximately 63 years) and slowly failing health forced him to abandon any such thoughts.
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Computer graphics of Armenian Artaxiad foot soldiers 190 BC-1 AD
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Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
Appropriate legionnaires equipment for the period.The end of the first century and the first quarter of the second century.Here I will touch the topic of historical reenactment.and the appropriate legionnaires equipment for the period.The end of the first century and the first quarter of the second century. A good drawing of the legionnaire of this period and of the Praetorian Guard of Traianus.
[Image: z0gg.jpg]
Unfortunately I cannot name the reenactors in this picture!I just do not know who are these well prepared for the period legionaries. But they are actual for the event .
[Image: 37x8.jpg]
I think these legionnaires are also actual with its equipment.
[Image: yzrz.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
Suitable helmets for this period are:Imperial Gallic J Brigetio Hungary . Impérial-Italic G- Pictures
Decorated with crescents, the helmet was found in Hebron, Israël. The two crossed iron pieces are an improvment of the beginning of the second century, intendend to reinforce the bowl, probably following Trajanus dacian wars. This helmet was dated around 130 AD.
[Image: htmk.png]
Imperial Gallic J Brigetio Hungary .The helmet that you can see is the specimen found at Brigetio in Hungary, now preserved in the National Museum of Wales, National Roman Legionary Museum in CaerleonThere is another instead preserved in Vienna, found at Brigetio. The dating for the helmets of this type is the first quarter of the second century AD.
[Image: c3sh.jpg]
This helmet, according to the classification developed by Robinson called
"Auxiliary Infantry type C", is preserved in the Archaeological Museum of Florence and dates back early to middle II century AD.
[Image: 43d3.png]
Of course most likely in the campaign was used and older models with which are armed legions , probably following Trajanus Dacian wars helmets models as: some models of MPERIAL GALLIC' TYPE 'I' HELMETS, the 2 models of IMPERIAL ITALIC D Rhine at Mainz,and some of the Weisenau types.
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
One more but made from bronze "Auxiliary Infantry type C", replica from Archaeological Museum of Florence and dates back early to middle II century AD.made from Auxiliary Cohors II Mattiacorum (equitata) based now in Russia.
[Image: jdbt.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
Very interesting thank you!
Marc Beermann
This is a publication for which I prepared from last year by collecting information about this Anniversaries. Of course I do not claim that I am exhaustive on the subject! I posted this historical facts refracted through my eyes of reenactor.
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
Of course we also do not missed to celebrate this anniversary “1900 years Anniversaries of Emperor Trajan invaded Armenia”During our participation in the festival in Romania and the completion of Trajan offensive in Dacia. Traian commands all legions be directed to East to solve the issue with the rebellious states there.
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Eastward ..Мarch
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Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)
Bronze (roundel) Phalerae of Trajan.
Archaeological Museum, Ankara.
Trajan led the campaigns of ad113-116 against
the Parthians and died on the way home in Cilicia.
[Image: 284140161bab.jpg]
Radostin Kolchev
(Adlocutio Cohortium)

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