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Pilum: Secret weapon of the Romans
Just wanted to give a heads up that the History Channel will be running a spot on the Roman army's secret weapon the "pilum" on the show "Mail Call" this Monday the 28th. This is a great show which I have begun to watch regularly, they have had a couple spots on sword types, "greek fire", jousting, and other military technology subjects. I recommend it, I think you folks would enjoy it as I have.<br>
GW <p></p><i></i>
You may know the host as the blood 'n guts Master Drill Instructor Seargent Hartman, USMC from the Stanley Kubric Vietnam war film "Full Metal Jacket."<br>
The show's a bit corny, but lots of great military eyecandy! I'll be out of town, sorry I'll miss the show. <p></p><i></i>
Does anyone know the time of this, for Eastern time zone in Canada? I wonder if the history channel website might have the time... <p>"Only Trajan could go to Dacia."<BR>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>
Well for me here in Colorado USA, it comes on Mondays at 6:00pm on the history channel. And yes the website should have the times...let me see if I can find it....<br>
Here it is:<br>
Cheers!! <p></p><i></i>
Yeah, I got it. It's 8:00 pm here in Eastern Time Zone. Thanks! <p>"Only Trajan could go to Dacia."<BR>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>
Ermey is a hoot, love the show so far, how many jobs can you get where you get to shoot slice dice and blow up stuff?<br>
gonna have to watch monday<br>
Dave <p></p><i></i>
Don't forget drive an M5 Stuart over watermellons! <p></p><i></i>
I can't wait to see 'Ermius Maximus" in action.<br>
<b><i>Quote:</i></b><hr> Ermey is a hoot, love the show so far, how many jobs can you get where you get to shoot slice dice and blow up stuff?<br>
gonna have to watch monday<br>
NO KIDDING!!! Lucky SOB!<br>
<b><i>Quote:</i></b><hr> Don't forget drive an M5 Stuart over watermellons!<hr><br>
That looked like a blast! Wonder if he could hear after that little session, or see for that matter??<br>
Looks like rockets are gonna be on there as well, should be good. UUURRRAAA!!<br>
I'm supremely saddened to say that I missed last night's showing. BUT LO! a light dawns on the horizon! the history channel is usually good about showing things over and over again! hooray! all hope is not lost! <p></p><i></i>
HAHA, it was a good one, you get to see Ermey in a Roman soldiers outfit, pretty good. And the talk on the Pilum and rocket use was great. They also talked about dirigibles, Zepplins, and Blimps. Also cover was the etiology of the term "leatherneck", stealth parachute jumps and WWII radio communication. You may need to set your VCR for next weeks show. M <p></p><i></i>
The gunny is still in good shape for his age, puts me to shame. <p></p><i></i>
Ermey is at LEAST 25 years older than me and can kick my butt without breakin a sweat,<br>
the wife just doesnt get my fascination with the show<br>
I tried to tell her its a combo of "Tool Time" with guns, and a little of the Man Show without the juggies<br>
Dave <p></p><i></i>
Mail Call came on here in Oregon at 8:00. I, of course, tuned in at exactly 8:09. And watched the rest of the program without seeing any pilum. But the History Channel ran the same show again at midnight. So I was able to watch it after all. Well done, I thought, given the rather 'rough' style of the show.<br>
My program guide shows Mail Call on again this Sunday evening. I'll bet you have another chance to catch it, Gaius!<br>
For Dave, put more emphasis on "without the juggies". That should help convince your wife that Mail Call is 'time well spent'.<br>
David <p></p><i></i>
LOL!! Can you imagine the "juggies" prancing next to Ermey. Again, too funny. Are you guys fans of Homer? And I don't mean of the Simpsons variety! I have read the Illiad and love it. I must say that I am more a fan of the Greeks, I wanted to throttle young Paris. I have yet to read the Odyssey, you think it is better that the Illiad? And as for the show did you catch last weeks episode on the Ninja's? Why does Gunny hate watermellons so much??!?! <p></p><i></i>

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