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Auxiliary only Vexillations during Principate?
Been trying to find some hint of this, but everything leads to the conclusion that Vexillations were primarily for the legionnaire, with Auxiliaries sometimes included.

But I was wanting to know, could it have ever been possible for an Auxiliary only detachment to exist? Even if it was led by one of the prefects. 

I imagine a situation where there is a small party of Barbarians harassing small communities in a frontier province, this is not something the whole legion needs to be present for. So surely a detatchment of some Auxilia Ala could sort this out fairly quickly and easily?
My impression, rightly or wrongly, is that vexillations were generally of one- or two-cohort size. If this is correct and auxiliaries were to be sent to deal with a situation, they would be sent as a complete unit.
Michael King Macdona

And do as adversaries do in law, -
Strive mightily, but eat and drink as friends.
(The Taming of the Shrew: Act 1, Scene 2)
I supposed that if you want to send a "vexilation" from a cohort (500 peeps) it will be more or les couple of centuries never encountered the word vexilatio for auxiliaries.
Gelu I.
Some inscriptions suggest vexillations of auxiliary units. Here is a selection:

RIB-03, 03491 / AE 1983, 00641 (High Rochester): Vex(illatio) coh(ortis) IIII Gall(orum) et / vex(illatio) c[o]h(ortis) II Nerv(iorum) / fecerunt (detachments of two cohorts on building work. Several like this from Britain).

AE 1980, 00758  (Sarmizegetusa): Ulpio... praep(osito) vexill(ationis) auxiliar(iorum) / Pann(oniae) infer(ioris) praef(ecto) coh(ortis) / VII Breucor(um) (cohort prefect taking temporary command of auxiliary detachments from Pannonia inferior).

CIL 12, 01358  (Vasio): pra[ef(ecto) coh(ortis) I Brac]arum Augustanorum praeposito vexillationi exercitus M[oesiae] (cohort prefect in temporary command of a detachment (probably auxiliary) of the army of Moesia).

CIL 13, 07693 (Brohl):  vexil(l)atio c/o(ho)rtis II Astur(um) (single detachment of a cohort dedicating an altar. There are several like this from Brohl).

AE 1997, 01352 (Gradista): M(arcus) Valerius M(arci) f(ilius) Quir(ina) Lollianus... praepositus in Mesopotamia vexillationibus equitum electorum alarum / praetoriae Augustae Syriacae Agrippianae Herculianae / singularium item cohortium I Lucensium II Ulpiae equit(atae) / c(ivium) R(omanorum) I Fl(aviae) c(ivium) R(omanorum) I(I) Thracum III Ulpiae Paphlagonum II eqquitum I / Ascalolitanorum I Fl(a)v(iae) Chalcidenorum V Petr(a)eorum IIII / Lucensium I Ulpiae Petr(a)eorum II Ulpiae Paphlagognum I Ulpiae / sagittariorum III Dacorum I Syngambrum... (we've discussed this one before - a massive collection of cavalry and infantry detachments from various units under the command of one man).
Nathan Ross
What about just Cavalry detatchments?
(09-30-2020, 11:12 AM)Jason Micallef Wrote: What about just Cavalry detatchments?

CIL 08, 21814 (Mauretania Tingitana): D(is) M(anibus) / Antonius Proclinus / eq(ues) ex vexi(l)latione / al(a)e Flaviae ex / sing(u)laribus

CIL 06, 00421 (Rome): I(ovi) O(ptimo) M(aximo) / Heliopolita/no vexillatio / alae Itur(a)e/orum praebe/ntibus Cla(udis) / Rufino et Ur/sione decurio/nes(!) posuerunt

AE 1960, 00053 (Noricum):Harigastus Tei v(exillationis) III a(larum) Il(lyricarum)

CIL 06, 32933 (Rome): L(ucio) Paconio L(uci) f(ilio) Pal(atina) / Proculo / praef(ecto) coh(ortis) I Fl(aviae) Hisp(anorum) eq(uitatae) / P(iae) F(idelis) trib(uno) mil(itum) leg(ionis) XI Cl(audiae) P(iae) F(idelis) / praef(ecto) vexillation(is) eq(uitum) Moe/siae infer(ioris) et Daciae eunti(s) / in expeditione Parthic(a) donis / militar[ib(us)] donato praef(ecto) eq(uitum) / alae pr(imae) Aug(ustae) Parthorum / patrono et curatori / municipi(i) / d(ecreto) d(ecurionum) / publice
Nathan Ross

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