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Reproduction Roman leather military tents?
Quote:Think of this, It's an 8 man tent.

thats 400 or so bux per man to sleep in a 100% authentic tent,
for the rest of your reenactment life.
[size=150Confusedxmbps0l]A[/size]las, having invested in a bunker in WWI, not only in money, but also time, sweat and blood... then to have the unit explode and I find it was a waste of my time. I got my money back, but cetainly not any of my time or anything... to me, if I am going to invest in something, I want to make sure it's not "vapor-ware."

Quote:My WW2 unit has yearly Dues, and with this money we have bought two fantastic tents that sleep the whole platoon, At events, other units beg to come in and change their clothes by the heat of the stove.
[size=150Confusedxmbps0l]E[/size]veryone has different ideas of what is correct or important... some like vehicles or in this case, perhaps Roman artillery...

Quote:I reenact 3 periods, Now that im going into Roman, (and I will be kitting out freinds and bringing them to events), Getting an accurate tent is the FIRST thing im going to do.
Just my 2 cents
[size=150Confusedxmbps0l]M[/size]y priorities are more to get people outfitted and in the right frame of mind... that and things like first-person personas... use of NFS <[size=75Confusedxmbps0l][urlConfusedxmbps0l][/url][/size]> ([size=75Confusedxmbps0l]needle felt sword[/size]) and other things like that. IF I get a canvas tent, I still feel perhaps it would be better [size=75Confusedxmbps0l](until a real leather tent can be made)[/size] to perhaps paint it to look like leather... I know many are against this and perhaps rightly, but everything is a trade-off.
Best, DMV
a.k.a.: Marsh Wise
Legio IX Hispana

Alteris renumera duplum de quoquo tibi numeraverunt

"A fondness for power is implanted in most men, and it is natural to abuse it when acquired." -- Alexander Hamilton

"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress.... But then I repeat myself." ~Mark Twain

[img size=150][/img]
(Oooh, Marshall, you cannot use an icky modern QR code, it is against all policies and rules.)
I never said I had a Problem with the Canvas tents, Sorry if I offended you Somehow!!!

I agree people have differnt priorities, (hence my 2cents comment)

I Personally noticed that the tent is really the only big item, that i cant sit down and make with a substantial savings of time vs money.


BTW, our unit bought the tent, 12 years ago, still going strong!
AKA: Sam Johnson
Quote:I never said I had a Problem with the Canvas tents, Sorry if I offended you Somehow!!!
[size=150:m7u93syc]N[/size]o, no, no, you didn't offend me.... I think we're just hitting on one of MY buttons about reenacting... about the cost of things. We've all seen guys who can just go out and buy nice, beautiful stuff, like Michael Simkins' helmets, etc. They're the same guys who think we ALL have this kind of money for a hobby ;-( However, the sad reality is that the rest of us have to decide whether to buy that nice helm and then live on Top Ramen until next payday or to try do it as cheaply as we can...
Quote:I agree people have different priorities, (hence my 2cents comment)
[size=150:m7u93syc]A[/size]nyway, I agree, we all just have different priorities... IDIC! ;-) )
Quote:I Personally noticed that the tent is really the only big item, that i cant sit down and make with a substantial savings of time vs money.
BTW, our unit bought the tent, 12 years ago, still going strong!
[size=150:m7u93syc]I[/size] agree! I wish I could just buy one... Hell, I'll be happy to be able to buy a canvas one anytime soon ;-(
Best, DMV
a.k.a.: Marsh Wise
Legio IX Hispana

Alteris renumera duplum de quoquo tibi numeraverunt

"A fondness for power is implanted in most men, and it is natural to abuse it when acquired." -- Alexander Hamilton

"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress.... But then I repeat myself." ~Mark Twain

[img size=150][/img]
(Oooh, Marshall, you cannot use an icky modern QR code, it is against all policies and rules.)
These are all really good points, and when I first got into the subject I was gobsmacked at some of the prices. But in the short time since I bought my first bits I've definitely seen a drop in prices, especially once I started to shop around more. I also keep an eye out for bargains on Ebay and other places.

Personally, I'd prefer to have a go at making it myself, but like others I just don't get the time nor have I got access to the facilities. Hopefully the more these kinds of items are made the cheaper they should become, especially if the interest grows. I just hope that Trooper helm continues to 'evolve' into a proper Gallic. :wink:
TARBICvS/Jim Bowers
Ok, This may have already been suggested before but I'd like to hear your opinions on this thought. It strikes me strange that a roman soldier always had to wait for his tent to arrive on a cart for him and his other 7 members of his squad to erect, it also strikes me that a roman soldier never carried anything that could not be used for the construction of a marching camp or to defend himself. We as reenactors are constantly loading ourselves down with pots, cloaks, tools etc to illustrate what a Roman soldier may have carried on campaign, however if his tent was on a cart, why the hell would he be carrying tools for, surely these would be on a cart or pack mule / horse also.

What I'm suggesting is this, the pack that we all so carefully make as depicted on Trajan's column, is not a pack, but a sectionalised piece of a tent, folded and hung on the rings that would be used for attaching guys to.

The poles that we carry them on were used for the centre poles and uprights, the shields were used as a the walls on the sides of the tent to support the roof which was buttoned or tied together like a shelter half to form the roof. This would still provide adequate falls from the apex to the side walls to allow run off and give the men good shelter, three pieces per side for the roof, with two sections for one end. After all the early shelter halves in ww2 were open ended, perhaps the legionaries joined two tents together to form a whole.

I've done some sketches and the dimensions work great, try it your self.

Now this also does some thing else, regardless of how many men are together they would be able to construct some sort of shelter with what they have with them, making them self sufficient, even on their own on over night stops as individuals they would have adequate shelter.

Everything he carried would therefore be of use, he would be able to set up camp quickly and take it down quickly and be on the move, not having to wait to load carts before they left camp.

Just a thought mind, based on no historical evidence, but a load of logic, good ideas always have a habit of repeating themselves, in world war 2 infantrymen carried the shelter halves 1 pole and 6 pegs, the Germans the zeltbarn 3 sections , 3 men. the reason they used these because it was practical....With the Romans being the progressive people that they were it is logical that they came up with this sort of tent.

Your thoughts please
Has anyone attempted to paint a canvas tent to simulate leather and with what results?
Juan Santell
I'm pretty sure in that link to the ESG's new leather tent, that the little description said their previous tent was painted canvas. They may have pics of it on their main site.

I thought one of the N. American legions painted theirs as well?
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
Quote:Has anyone attempted to paint a canvas tent to simulate leather and with what results?
Juan Santell
[size=150:2aftcm77]E[/size]verytime I mention it, people get all weird and start huffing and puffing about it being "WRONG" and unauthentic... although it strikes me, as a step up from canvas, which is MORE wrong, but hey, what do _I_ know?
DMV, the Heretic Usurper
a.k.a.: Marsh Wise
Legio IX Hispana

Alteris renumera duplum de quoquo tibi numeraverunt

"A fondness for power is implanted in most men, and it is natural to abuse it when acquired." -- Alexander Hamilton

"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress.... But then I repeat myself." ~Mark Twain

[img size=150][/img]
(Oooh, Marshall, you cannot use an icky modern QR code, it is against all policies and rules.)
Yes we could always get canvas paint it, dye it or we could just steal a sail from a Trireme. That is assuming is a canvas type material not wool. I believe it was the Vikings that used wool sails.
Animals die, friends die, and I shall die, but one thing never dies, and that is the reputation we leave behind after our death.
No man loses Honour who had any in the first place. - Syrus
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I agree with Marsh...let's face it, a leather tent is not feasible unless you're rich, or are splitting the cost with umpteen people. So why not paint a canvas tent to look like leather? You could use 5 or 6 different shades of brown that would make a pretty convincing patchwork of leather panels. I'd rather see a pile of these types of tents, than modern dome tents that have to be torn down for events.

I also remember someone mentioning that their panted canvas tent (maybe it was one of the UK guys) was so convincing that people were fooled unless they got right up to it. Think about it, chances are anything beyond 10 feet or so would fool even the most trained hawk eye.

If I had the $240 to buy one of the canvas ones, I'd do it. Then, I'd spend another 10 bucks on brown paint and a bit of black or white to do the tinting...and paint that sucker!
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
The original ESG tent was dyed canvas. It was replaced 15 -20 years age with a leather one and the second leather one was made about 6 years ago. The dyed tent looked nothing like leather and I think it would be very difficult to make cloth look like leather. The ESG tents are also hand stitched. This means that on the joints you can put a loop of thread halfway through the thickness of the leather when you stitch them. This results in waterproof joints as the stitching doesn't go all the way through.

Aulus Cladius Maximus
Bernard Jacobs
Any opinion stated is genally not the opinion of My group or Centurian
Does anyone have a pattern for making a leather tent? My nephew suggested something to me and It seems like it might be a good option but I need to check on price to see how much differance between this and the canvas, but appearances should be improved I should think. i would like to make a small ( very small ) version and see how it looks.
Animals die, friends die, and I shall die, but one thing never dies, and that is the reputation we leave behind after our death.
No man loses Honour who had any in the first place. - Syrus
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Well, there's specifications listed on Matt Amt's site here:


As well as how to do the sewing. I imagine if you drew up a rough blueprint using the measurements he provides you could work it out easily enough.
Du Courage Viens La Verité

Legion: TBD
Is there anyone on a forum who have replica of leather tent ?
I am thinking about making one for my group.

But the first question is how thick/thin should be goat leather for it ? Does anyone can help me in this matter?
Cacaivs Rebivs Asellio
Legio XXI Rapax -
a.k.a Cesary Wyszinski
You could ask the people at the Legio VI Victrix (Germany).
Look what they did last weekend at Tarragona - Tarraco Viva 2005.
I don't know if the tents are bought or not, but they seem to have experience managing them
[Image: camp1.jpg]
[Image: camp2.jpg]

Hope it helps,
Barcelona - Tarragona

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