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Make your land like ours!

Have you heard about the push to get Spanish
language incorporated in schools in California? Confusedhock:

I don't think it's the people immigrating as much
as local politicians pushing for votes.

I've been many places,too,and never expected
them to change to suit me.In Germany I spoke German
even though many people spoke English.

"When in Rome,do as the Romans do".
Sounds reasonable to me.
Andy Booker

Gaivs Antonivs Satvrninvs

Andronikos of Athens
Many Greeks immigraded after the 2nd world war to many countries.
We did not ask our hosts to create special schools for us or special T.V or radio programs. Most massmedia Greek language ventures simply used the local law and every body was asking the Greek government to support the Greekcommunities schools abroad with teachers.
If you are a guest somewhere you have to respect you hosts. If there is something you do not like you can always leave.
The host coulture was that produced the society that the immigrand wishes to be part of.
Demanding your hosts taxes to be spent as you see fit is wrong in my opinion. Making also demands in a country that you entered illegally is wrong.
Also as fromer borderer I assure you that every country´s borders can be tightly controled. It is only criminal governmental negligence that does not enforces the laws. Immigrands YES illegall aliens NO!
Critical descisions like baning religious holyday names in a case of potential offence should be decided by popular vote not by governments abusing their authority.
Tolerating illegal immigration is to allow every type of mafia wrecking peoples lives through bestial exploitation. Ther is no humanity to allow people to enter a country and be exploited in the name of political correctness.
As an example European coulture created cacon, Islamic coulture created cous-cous. Banning bacon in favor of cous-cous is as bad as nanning cous-cous in favor of bacon.
Why only the host must respect the guest and the guest should have no obligations? I do not understand it.
Kind regards
Gents, just a gentle warning. I'm letting this thread go for now, but avoid getting into a politics debate!

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Thank you, Stafanos. That was the sentiment, exactly, that I was trying to convey, but you put it more succinctly.
Quote:Do you think it [Spanish programming] fosters the feeling that after moving here, there's no need to learn the language?

Sure, I think it retards the assimilation process.
I also think that it may be dangerous to the assimilation process, and this seems to be generally recognized by the minorities themselves.

I remember a referendum in California (five years ago?) in which state financing for Spanish lessons at schools was rejected. Analysists discovered that the no-vote had been particularly strong in districts with a Spanish-speaking majority.
Jona Lendering
Relevance is the enemy of history
My website
Quote:I also think that it may be dangerous to the assimilation process, and this seems to be generally recognized by the minorities themselves.

I remember a referendum in California (five years ago?) in which state financing for Spanish lessons at schools was rejected. Analysists discovered that the no-vote had been particularly strong in districts with a Spanish-speaking majority.

I was living in San Diego at the time, and I remember that. It was pretty funny.

Rethinking some of this, it seems that at least part of the problem (as mentioned earlier) has to do with pandering politicians than the will of the people.
Have you heard about the push to get Spanish
language incorporated in schools in California? Shocked
I don't think it's the people immigrating as much
as local politicians pushing for votes.
Quote:Rethinking some of this, it seems that at least part of the problem (as mentioned earlier) has to do with pandering politicians than the will of the people.
The wonders of democracy - we're damned with it, we're damned without it Big Grin
TARBICvS/Jim Bowers
I just object to being dictated to by Non Native(for want of a better description)sectors of society,just because it causes them some form of irritation.They knew what the country was like before they came.I agree "when in Rome etc,etc".well im off to open a string of Pie and Mash Shops in the Middle east and sell Hot Cross Buns and Bacon butties! :o o o o
Timeo Danaos et Dona ferentes

Andy.(Titus Scapula Clavicularis)
People, I hear some (potentially) very dangerous stuff here.

Migrants taking over neighbourhoods.
Enemies within the gates.
Very dark stuff.

Migrants also have rights, namely exactly the same as ours. If our neighbourhoods are changing that can be tough, but all things change, right?

I'm against illegal immigrants, but mainly for the reason that's it's unacceptable to let children grow up in a sub-caste, without rights. Ever met illegal immigrants? You wouldn't want to be one.
If a country has many illegal aliens it means the government does a poor job, a several levels.
Spain actually legalised their illegal immigrants recently. Twice, in fact.

I think the main point we all agree on is that no minority has a right to tell a majority how to behave.

Personally, I think that in most cases, no one has the right to tell another person how to behave.
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Stefanos put it more or less as I is not so much immigrants as those particular ones who are not happy with the country they have chosen and expect things to change to suit them.....!
I do appreciate some of these people are refugees who escaped awful conditions and needed help but I think many have abused our hospitality.
There have been some distressing incidents too, one pretty teenager was murdered by her father, because her boyfriend was of a different faith and she wanted a lifestyle more like the British girls. He tried to claim it was his right to kill her, as she shamed him :evil:
The 'politically correct' situation in England means that some Police Forces in this country have been turning down suitable candidates as they could not meet the 'black' 'ethnic' 'gay' 'disabled' and 'female' if none of those want to join the Police..... :?
Where do you draw a line between accepting immigrants and being invaded by the back door....a la Vortigern...?
To be a little come the British powers that be are so politically correct with certain peoples, yet damn difficult when it comes to dealing with Scotland, Wales and Ireland...... :roll:
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon
I'm finding it incredibly ironic that a thread in a forum dedicated to ancient history is seemingly blind to how we all got to our respective nations in the first place. Especially one centred around a civilisation that even gave their foreign soldiers citizenship after service, which is more than the UK has ever done for example Confusedhock: :wink:

BTW, I reckon if they're ready to die for you, they should be able to have as many TV channels as they want: Hispanic Soldiers Die in Greater Numbers in Iraq

As for infanticide, it happens everywhere. Whatever the reason, it's always horrific, and one society's infanticide is no better than another's.
TARBICvS/Jim Bowers
Nail-on-head Tarby

Immigrants have also died for the UK in Iraq eg. Donal Meade, originally from Montserrat:,,1564239,00.html
Quote:Especially one centred around a civilisation that even gave their foreign soldiers citizenship after service

True, but that was after 25-6 years of service in a thorougly Romanizing entity.

Jasper Oorthuys
Webmaster & Editor, Ancient Warfare magazine
Every freeman in the Empire was given citizenship after 212AD. Mostly so they could all pay tax and serve in the legions ... :lol:

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