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The Huns
Quote:It's been written that the Huns compressed their children noses with bandages in order to make'em flat and fit better inside the helms nasals... Wouldn't have been easier to make the helmets bigger?
Cranial deformation.

Not done as a functional aid but as , what they considered a corrective method to make themselves more attractive Confusedhock:

That is beauty? Big Grin twisted:
[Image: gaudentius.gif]

Magister Equitum Gaudentius :wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" />:wink:

Well,"Eye of the beholder" and all that.
I'm sure if we thought about it objectively,we could
find some customs of ours that are equally bizzarre.

Also,don't forget foot binding,which was common in
some Asian cultures until relatively recent times.

Thanks for starting this thread.This subject is very interesting
and touches on the Romans,too.
Andy Booker

Gaivs Antonivs Satvrninvs

Andronikos of Athens
I saw some deformed skuls in the Budapest Meuseums bu they are ascociate with Mongols if memeory serves me right.
Priskos who was sent as ambasador to Atilla is our main source about Huns.
He describes them as "mongolid"
He says that Huns cut deeply the cheeks of the babies to prevent them for growing facial air. Possibly I think it was a type of facial scarring like tatoo.
The pre-Roman step Kurgans have yielded mongolid dead with elaborate face "tatooing".
Prokopios made a distinction between Huns and "White Huns" as v being different nations.
Kind regards.
Quote:I saw some deformed skuls in the Budapest Meuseums bu they are ascociate with Mongols if memeory serves me right.
Priskos who was sent as ambasador to Atilla is our main source about Huns.
He describes them as "mongolid"
He says that Huns cut deeply the cheeks of the babies to prevent them for growing facial air. Possibly I think it was a type of facial scarring like tatoo.
The pre-Roman step Kurgans have yielded mongolid dead with elaborate face "tatooing".
Prokopios made a distinction between Huns and "White Huns" as v being different nations.
Kind regards.

What is the difference between "Black Huns" and "White Huns"? 8)
[Image: gaudentius.gif]

Magister Equitum Gaudentius :wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" />:wink:


I found this on the internet.

"The Huns

The Huns were possibly the most destructive people in history. They originally came from Central Asia. About 200BC, the Huns overran the Chinese Empire. Chinese emperor Shih Huang-ti built the massive Great Wall of China to keep the Huns out.....

I am sorry but this is seriously mistaken. China was being overrun in 200 B.C., but that was by the first emperor, Shih Huang-Ti. See . He connected various frontier fortifications (equivalent of limes) into a continous barrier in the northern frontier; of course this is not the Great Wall as we now see it. It was the expansion of the Han dynasty, alluded to briefly here which displaced the Hsiung-Nu.

"7.2.e. Emperor Wu: The next reign of Emperor Wu, comprising the years 140 to 87 BC, was one of the most important periods in Chinese history. It was an age of great generals, brilliant statesmen, and people of letters.

During this reign, the Han Dynasty reached the zenith of its power, and the empire was greatly enlarged. In the south it included Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, and northern Vietnam; in the southwest, all the tribes that had held sway in Yunnan and Guizhou now acknowledged the supremacy of the Han emperor; while in the north, the power of the Xiongnu was shattered, and the boundary of the empire included what is now Inner Mongolia, the northwest Xiliang, and the northeast Liaodong, and north Korea. "
Felix Wang
Quote:What is the difference between "Black Huns" and "White Huns"? 8)
Forgive my poor English-but I do not understand "Black Huns".
I have never heard of them.
The "White Huns" are possibly the ones called Chionitae - from the Greek Chioni=snow. Some people speculate that their descentants are possibly modern Tratars but I do not know anything on that.
Prokopios ah his contemporaries use the derogatry description "evil yellow animals" and take the effort to describe "White Huns" as different. That makes people think that the Huns were mostly mongolids.
The only nomadic Asian people I know usin g black in their descrpition was the Turcomanic Hord of "Black Sheep", because of their distinctive black sheepskin headgear.
Hope I helped.
Kind regards
Lucius Valerius Gaudentiu:3ceu7wug Wrote:What is the difference between "Black Huns" and "White Huns"? 8)
Forgive my poor English-but I do not understand "Black Huns".
I have never heard of them.
The "White Huns" are possibly the ones called Chionitae - from the Greek Chioni=snow. Some people speculate that their descentants are possibly modern Tratars but I do not know anything on that.
Prokopios ah his contemporaries use the derogatry description "evil yellow animals" and take the effort to describe "White Huns" as different. That makes people think that the Huns were mostly mongolids.
The only nomadic Asian people I know usin g black in their descrpition was the Turcomanic Hord of "Black Sheep", because of their distinctive black sheepskin headgear.
Hope I helped.
Kind regards

ERROR, unbelievable, I should put Attila´s Huns, I want to know if Attila´s huns were the same that the "White Huns". :oops:

Thanks for your answer and sorry for my mistake. :roll:
[Image: gaudentius.gif]

Magister Equitum Gaudentius :wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" />:wink:

Well Priskos describes Attila as "mongoloid". So I asume that most his clansmen were the same. He had also Iranic (Sarmatinans?) and Germanic allies or subject levies. "Chionites" might be among his forces but not perhaps in number to be noticed.
Kind regards
Ok. Did anybody have an illustration of a Hun (V d.C more or less)?
[Image: gaudentius.gif]

Magister Equitum Gaudentius :wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" />:wink:

if colours were used to differentiate between the two cultures of Huns, you have another famous culture of horse people who were split into 'red' and 'white'...Cossacks...I believe that was more to do with their alliances...not their skin colour....would that be the same with the Huns?
The Hoplite Association
The enemy is less likely to get wind of an advance of cavalry, if the orders for march were passed from mouth to mouth rather than announced by voice of herald, or public notice. Xenophon
I think I read about similar 'groupings' with other peoples like the Alans, and it's also found among Slav tribes.
Robert Vermaat
FECTIO Late Romans
(Maurikios-Strategikon, book VIII.2: Maxim 12)
Mc Bride in Concorde's "Barbarians" made an Attila relyin on Priskos account. Tribal groupings were sometimes very diverse and Cristina makes an intersting note in my opinion. I feel though that Attila's clan were the first mongoloids to raid in Europe.
Attila had his "party" because he appeared at a time when Roman power could be seriously challenged an Aetios though a good genral was not Ceasar.
Kind regards
Quote:Mc Bride in Concorde's "Barbarians" made an Attila relyin on Priskos account. Tribal groupings were sometimes very diverse and Cristina makes an intersting note in my opinion. I feel though that Attila's clan were the first mongoloids to raid in Europe.
Attila had his "party" because he appeared at a time when Roman power could be seriously challenged an Aetios though a good genral was not Ceasar.
Kind regards

I agree with you in all except in the sentence about Aetius, I think he was more than a good general. :wink:
[Image: gaudentius.gif]

Magister Equitum Gaudentius :wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" />:wink:

Quote:Ok. Did anybody have an illustration of a Hun (V d.C more or less)? ... MAA~per=40
Click at the image, the Hun is the 1st from the left.
Also here: ... s/HUN5.jpg
[Image: Huns.jpg]
[Image: 120px-Septimani_seniores_shield_pattern.svg.png] [Image: Estalada.gif]
Ivan Perelló
[size=150:iu1l6t4o]Credo in Spatham, Corvus sum bellorum[/size]
The White Huns were also called Heftalites and invaded the Sassanid Empire and the Black Huns invaded Europe.

It's also been said that the Heftalites had a fairer complexion.
[Image: 120px-Septimani_seniores_shield_pattern.svg.png] [Image: Estalada.gif]
Ivan Perelló
[size=150:iu1l6t4o]Credo in Spatham, Corvus sum bellorum[/size]

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