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Total War: Roman Style
For all those fans of the shogun total war and medieval total's something you're going to love....unofficially of course.<br>
Site is in german and you can only look at the first screenshot without registering, but supposedly we have to wait for the PCgamer jan. 2003 magazine to find out whether or not a Roman Total War game is truly fact or mythology.<br>
Screen shots look good if I could only read german..... <!-- <br>
copy the whole link into your'll be glad you did!<br>
Britannicus <p></p><i></i>
that's the new trailer for the Roman Total War game...its *sniff* wonderful.<br>
oh, its huge, so if you don't have broadband, you might want to wait until you find a computer that does. 16mb for the large version. Download it to your hard drive, unzip it, and the it plays in your media player.<br>
Britannicus <p></p><i></i>
Good thing i get a decent connection back tomorrow. <p></p><i></i>
In the name of heaven Catiline, how long do you propose to exploit our patience..
Oh this is absolutely fantastic. I have been praying for a Roman version of total war since I first saw shogun total war. Thanks for posting the link! When this game comes out I will never leave my house lol, well not that bad but I remember when I first got Ceaser III I played it for 5 to 6 hours straight some nights. Nothing like a Roman RTS! <p></p><i></i>
Good heavens, I hated Caesar III. I am not fond of games where you have to micro manage. Give me an army, give me an enemy and a direction of advance and I am happy. Legion is a good game in a couple ways, but is far too simplistic and the game play needs to be re-vamped. Tell me, is total-war somewhat like Age of Empires? <p><br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>
Put simply,no<br>
There's a campaign game that's turnbased, with provinces. What you build in the provinces effects the troops that you can recruit there. You raise armies and try to conquer more provinces.<br>
The battles are real time on a 3D map with up to sixteen units in your army each with something between 60 -120 men. Tactically it's far more realistic than any Age Of game can ever be, if nothing else because you can't keep churning out units whilst you're fighting.<br>
You can of course skip the campaign and simply set up your own battles, but it's not as fun. Unless you play MP which is another matter<br>
In the name of heaven Catiline, how long do you propose to exploit our patience..
Yes I heard Legion wasn't that great so I havn't bought it. The total war series is brilliant like Cataline says. I didn't play shogun total war but I have played Meidevil total war and I was impressed with the way the units move around and engage in combat. Unfortunaly the Middle ages is possibly my least favorite period of history lol so I didn't play very long, but I do love ancient combat and strategy and it provided this very well. Roman total war looks to be the best Roman army game to date! At least I hope <p></p><i></i>
Gladiator (and we all know what a spectactularly historically realistic movie that was, don't we?) in game form? EM<br>
Forgive me if I shudder in horror at the thought of the Rock-Scissors-Paper of Total War: Roman Style. <!-- <br>
Regards, <p>Strategy <br>
Designer/Developer <br>
[url=http://""]Imperium - Rise of Rome[/url]</p><i></i>

Michael A./MicaByte
I don't think it's really rock paper scissors? You have an army, the enemy comes at you and you have to move your troops around in real time. It's not turn based if that's what your implying, at least Meidevil total war was not. And besides there is no other game out there that is designed well and really gives us a full Roman battlefield. Unless I missed one lol <p></p><i></i>
I've never played Medieval:TW, but Shogun:TW was absolutely a rock-paper-scissors game; i.e., archers - beat - spearmen - beat - cavalry - beat - archers.<br>
There's just one problem with that scenario: Roman Warfare (and for that matter - Medieval and Japanese warfare too) didn't work like that. But from the trailer, I imagine the producers have been watching the wonderful History Channel programme in which some well renowned person claims that the Romans conquored the world due to their superior Ballistas (yes, really) - probably the very same show that the producers of Gladiator watched. <!-- <br>
<p>Strategy <br>
Designer/Developer <br>
[url=http://""]Imperium - Rise of Rome[/url]</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>StrategyM</A> at: 1/12/03 2:25:20 am<br></i>

Michael A./MicaByte
P.S.: I enjoyed Shogun:TW, but that doesn't make it less of a R-P-S game. Colourful sprites does not a Japanese battlefield make.<br>
P.P.S.: AFAIK, Praetorians will feature a Roman "battlefield". And (forgive me for adverting my own product ), Imperium will as well. <p></p><i></i>

Michael A./MicaByte
Strategy, you have a point there. Playing legion (I have finally got the hang of it), I find that auxiliary archers beat everything. So much for a testudo. There needs to be a more dynamic approach to the way the battles unfold (in all strategy games), and how units interact with each other, both enemy and friendly. That includes both offensive and defensive capabilities, so that no one unit is supreme. Or a vicious triangle of paper-scissors-rock. <p><br>
Legio XXX "Ulpia Victrix" </p><i></i>
I have feeling that from any sort of historical point of view Rome total war is going to be a dissappointment. That's not to say that it won't be a truly excellent game. But when the preview has lines from the developers to the effect that it's a good thing some units like praetorians, scythed chariots and elephants aren't available to everyone because that way they can go over the top on them. Might avoid the RPS problem, but not a lot else. It does look absolutely stunning however. The video is supposed to be the ingame engine, with tweaks only for the facial expressions.<br>
Nice to see you about Strat btw. Hope the PhD goes well. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Catiline</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 1/12/03 1:27:35 pm<br></i>
In the name of heaven Catiline, how long do you propose to exploit our patience..
Actually, I have no trouble with the way the TW games decide to model their warfare. The only thing I have against it is that - like with the "wonderful" programs on History Channel - lots of people think they are actually learning something about history from playing the game(s). Helpfully encouraged by both the games PR, and gaming reviewers whose knowledge of history is usually garnered from the aforementioned History Channel programs.<br>
Ignorance of history is bad, IMO (the old maxim: He who is ignorant of the past is doomed to repeat it is very true). People thinking they know something about history when in fact they know nothing ... irritates me immensely. The Total War games have created lots of the latter class of people. <p>Strategy <br>
Designer/Developer <br>
[url=http://""]Imperium - Rise of Rome[/url]</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>StrategyM</A> at: 1/12/03 1:28:43 pm<br></i>

Michael A./MicaByte
So when is your game coming out? I am one of those who thought gaming might be a good way to learn more about history - I'm currently shopping around for armies so I can set up Gallic War battles. I love computer sims type games and would love a good one with better battles that Caesar III or AOE.<br>
As for the History Channel, we don't get it, but there's a couple of military shows on our free-to-air channels at the moment, one called something like 'Teutons, Goths and Vandals' and another 'Great Commanders of History' which this week is about Julius Caesar. Last week we had a facinating show about Varus' lost legions. It seemed mostly pretty accurate (not sure about the costume). Can you really dismiss them all? Admitedly I am a critical viewer and never take anything too literally, but I'd like to think that when you have a Cambridge scholar speaking to camera, what he says has some value!<br>
best wishes<br>
Pictoria <p></p><i></i>

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