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Greetings from the Southern Provinces
Finally joined up a couple days ago and been busy catching up on reading.
I'm Chad and I live in North Carolina near the Smokey Mt. park boundry,
My biggest hobby since the 5th grade has been history, I started civil war reenacting when I was 13 then got also got involved with French and Indian war historical trekking, mountainman rendevous, the SCA and LARP and stayed pretty busy with that for the next 24 years.

I first got interested in Roman era reenacting years ago when the Atlanta group got started, I knew one of the founding members because he was also in a civil war reenactment unit. I wanted to get involved but with all the other groups never had the time. I've been keeping up with several units websites for a long time and have been in a few timeline events that some of the Roman's were at.

Well 2 years ago all my reenactment gear got sold or traded off and we bought a house in North Carolina and left Georgia for the mountains, so now 2 years later I'm working too much, bored and wanting to get back to reenacting and I'm more interested in the Roman era than ever.
My interest is mainly in roman enemies like the Guals and Germanic tribes and others from that era, and some of the auxillary units made up from natives of countries Rome ruled.
Salve, Chad!
Historia est vitae magistra

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Salve from Virginia, Chad. Although much of Legio XX is in the DC area, there are several Romans in central Va, at Charlottesville and Staunton. Celts and barbarians are another matter; we know a few that are on the cusp of escaping the dark side (SCA), but we do have one or two (like Steve Peffley) who are very dedicated and participate with Legio XX.
Richard Campbell
Legio XX - Alexandria, Virginia
RAT member #6?

LEG VI Ferrata is out of Charleston South Carolina and has members from all over North Carolina (quite a few from the Bragg/Fayetteville hub).

Check out the link:

We are hosting the Pompeii event in September in Charlotte and would love to have you. We have 16 loaner kits, so we can fully outfit you and give you a chance to get some hands on experience with gear to give you plenty of time to make decisions on gear and and impression.


Mike Daniels

Titus Minicius Parthicus

Legio VI FFC.

If not me...who?

If not now...when?
:wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" />:wink:
Quote: My interest is mainly in roman enemies like the Guals and Germanic tribes and others from that era, and some of the auxillary units made up from natives of countries Rome ruled.

Hi Chad welcome,
it's always good to here from other Gaul (and Germanic) enthusiasts.

This indeed is a good forum for us Celts to swim around in the ocean of Roman and related knowledge. Never the less also take a look here: :wink:

Folkert van Wijk
Celtic Auxilia, Legio II Augusta.
With a wide interrest for everything Celtic BC
Salve Chad!

Welcome back. Legio XI is also active, only 3 hours away, in the Atlanta - Athens, Georgia area.

I had to leave reenacting in 2005. I'm returning to reenacting, solo for now. Fifth century Western Roman light infantry. No Late Roman legions here. Regardless, I'd like to again reenact with Legios XI and VI (Rusty), when they're within 30-50 miles of home (even if we're a few centuries apart :lol: ).

Hope to see you someday. Best regards, +r
Wm. / *r
Thanks everyone, The legion sites are by far the best place for refrences and roman history links. I think I've had most of the ones bookmarked for years that are in the southeastern area. I'll definetly do some reading up at the celtic site to.

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