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Getae and Dacians? Are they the same? Or is this unknowable?
Quote:About languages and inscriptions now, well, you mention the Massa-Getae tribe, and the fact they was away from original Dacian homeland, or core, and some inscriptions was found in a north iranian dialect. Well, this can be interpretated, because the name of the peoples was the one atributed by ancient greeks to Dacians, and Jordanes himself consider them Gots ( meaning Getae/Dacians ), based on probably the many other previous historians he inspire from. It is know that Dacians was not some peoples who write anything from their history ( much probably because of religion ), but was found some inscription on latin, made by them, so what, we can think now they was some latin peoples ? The same, maybe Massa Getaes was influenced by iranians to write down some things, we dont know for sure.

Or maybe you have it the other way around? Maybe the original homeland of the Massagetae was Iran? I don't know this, but it's possible.

This thread is demonstrating what I have learned; if you try to determine the origins of the ethnonym "Getae," you'll end up more confused than you were at the start. :wink:

"Dacii" is, by comparison, easy to get a handle on. We know where that term came from and what it means. But "Getae" is enigmatic and, frankly, frustrating.

Messages In This Thread
Re: Getae and Dacians? Are they the same? Or is this unknowable? - by Justin of the New Yorkii - 06-30-2009, 10:43 PM
Re: Getae and Dacians? - by Vincula - 11-15-2009, 09:48 PM

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