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If you could live during any other century...
If you could go back in time and live in any century (and this one or the last doesn't count), which one would you choose? Why?<br>
I think I'd live in a delightful little resort town outside of Rome, say during the nice quiet reign of Antoninus Pius (mid 2nd c. CE). Something Pompeiiesque, minus the volcano...<br>
<p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>JRSCline</A> at: 1/24/01 9:47:47 pm<br></i>
Founder, Roman Army Talk and

We are all travelers in the wilderness of this world, and the best we can find in our travels is an honest friend.
-- Robert Louis Stevenson
I have to say the future centuries. Can't wait for those flying cars! E EM <p></p><i></i>
I'm going to break the rules and say now else I'd be dead. That disregarded andassuing my eyes were fixed so that i could see without contacts...<br>
Probably lateC2/earlyC1 BC Rome or maybe C6 Corinth <p>It's not a bug, it's a feature</p><i></i>
In the name of heaven Catiline, how long do you propose to exploit our patience..
I would like to have been present at the siege of Jerusalem and the siege of Masada...on the winning side, of course! My upstairs neighbors are getting tired of my occasional flights of fantasy. They tolerated my camping out under leather in their front yard. They even let me slide when I constructed a wall of circumvallation around their house. But the earth and timber ramp and siege works was the last straw! E EM Sheesh...! <p>...or not.</p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>The Caesarian Section</A> at: 1/27/01 4:17:58 pm<br></i>
to tell the truth i would like to live around 216BC at cannae so i could see it... that was some battle. Just from the strategic perspective<br>
Welcome to the forums, scipio2. Glad to have you. Feel free to express anything you want (In reason! ) around here. <p></p><i></i>
thanks man <p></p><i></i>
Some people think that they have lived in past centuries.<br>
Past lives and all that...<br>
I happen to like "interesting times" so I would choose mid<br>
first century CE, or the mid 21st century CE.<br>
Bene vale,<br>
Allectus <p></p><i></i>
I would have to go with during the Peloponessian war. You have the golden age of athens and shortly after, the rise of Macedonia. <p>THERE IS NO VICTORY WITHOUT DEFEAT, AND THERE IS NO DEFEAT WITHOUT VICTORY</p><i></i>
"Freedom was at stake- freedom, which whets the courage of brave men"- Titus Livius

Nil recitas et vis, Mamerce, poeta videri.
Quidquid vis esto, dummodo nil recites!- Martial
First century AD. Post Tiberian.<br>
Ahhhh... Caligula, Clau-Claudius and who else but the Great Magnificent Nero the histrione.<br>
Now THESE were interesting times..I like Tiberius a lot. After all I was born on november 16th too. But he was not really what you'd call a funny character..<br>
I would enjoy the napoleonic era too but only if I could be a hussard of the 5th regiment..<br>
Glorious life. But short.. <p></p><i>Edited by: <A HREF=>Antoninus Lucretius</A> <IMG HEIGHT=10 WIDTH=10 SRC="" BORDER=0> at: 6/23/04 8:14 pm<br></i>
I'd met Jesus, trying to convince him that it's maybe not such a good idea to go to Jerusalem. <p>---------------<br>
<img src=""/> Est vita misero longa, felici brevis.<br>

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